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Transparent: Drawing Transparent Windows

This example application demonstrates how to implement the following window server features using the RWindow::BeginRedraw() and RWindow::EndRedraw() functions:

This example is located in the examples\Graphics\WS\transparent folder. The following sections provide more information about this example application.



Creating transparent windows

This example creates a blank window on which a background and a foreground window are drawn. The blank window is constructed using the RBlankWindow class. The CPeriodic class triggers periodic redraws on the window. The following functions are used to re-draw content on the window:

The transparency of the foreground window is changed using the following functions:

Handling window server events

The user-defined class CEventHandler handles pointer events when transparent areas of the window are clicked on by the pointer device. An appropriate message is displayed when a click event is detected.


Class Summary

The following principal classes are used in this example application:



The Symbian OS build process describes how to build this example.

The Transparent builds an executable called transparent.exe in the standard location (\epoc32\release\winscw\<build_variant> for Carbide).