Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0221 How do I make my app quit if there is no Exit or Quit menu item?

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Classification: Java Category: Runtime Control
Created: 05/27/99 Modified: 06/22/2001
Number: FAQ-0221
Platform: ER5

Win32 AWT and other implementations have a "Close" box on the window title bar, and many apps rely on this as a way for the user to quit the application when all else fails. Is there an equivalent method which will work on ER5 devices?

It is true that there is no "Close" box on the AWT window frame in ER5. Java developers targetting ER5 devices need to take this into account, and should provide a menu bar with an Exit or Quit menu item. It is an ER5 convention that a ctrl-e hotkey also be provided to exit an application, but this is not a requirement.
If you are trying to run an application which does not take any of this into account, you should be able to quit it by going to the system's "Open Files / Programs" dialog, selecting the Java application, and quitting it there.

This does rely on the Java app handling the WINDOW_CLOSING message, but this is a reasonable expectation. If all else fails, it should still in emergencies be possible to kill the app by using ctrl-shift-e in the the system's "Open Files / Programs" dialog - the closest EPOC equivalent to hitting Ctrl-C from the command line in Win32.