Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0543 I want to develop and run an Applet using the UIQ 2.0 emulator

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Classification: Java Category: Applet
Created: 11/28/2000 Modified: 06/22/2001
Number: FAQ-0543
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0

I want to develop and run a local Applet using the UIQ 2.0 (Quartz) emulator. Since the user has no access to the file system, how do I view the HTML file containing the Applet and therefore run the Applet?

Develop the Applet and the HTML file in the usual way and save the .class and .HTML files in the erj subdirectory
    (where myapplet is the name of the directory containing the applet and HTML.)
    • Start the emulator.
    • Launch the Web application.
    • Select "Open web page" from the Web menu.
    • Enter j:\myapplet for the location.
    • Select the link to the HTML file containing the applet.