Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0550 Why do I get spurious mouse events when dragging from an inner Container into the parent Container?

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Classification: Java Category: AWT
Created: 01/03/2001 Modified: 06/22/2001
Number: FAQ-0550
Platform: ER5

Using ER5 , if I have a Container containing another (inner) Container why do I get spurious mouse drag events when dragging from the inner Container to the parent Container even when the mouse pointer is stationary in the outer Container?

Furthermore, if I continue dragging over the outer Container why do I continually receive spurious pairs of Mouse_Entered/Exit events although I am now only dragging over the outer Container space?

This is a known defect in ER5 that has been fixed in release Quartz/Crystal 6.0 Java. Where possible monitor Mouse_Pressed and Mouse_Released events instead.