Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0558 I have an applet that will load on the appletviewer on a v6 SDK but seems to run out of memory when I run on the Web app. Why should this be?

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Classification: Java Category: Emulator
Created: 01/19/2001 Modified: 09/17/2001
Number: FAQ-0558
Platform: Not Applicable

I have an applet that will load on the appletviewer on a v6.0 Symbian OS SDK but seems to run out of memory when I run on the Web app. Why should this be? Can I expect similar problems on real hardware?

All applications launched from within the emulator (via their icon) are launched using WINS recognisers which launch the application as a separate thread with a heap limit of 2MB. Hence, when Web is launched from within the emulator it has a 2MB heap limit which the Java Runtime within the browser inherits.
If instead the applet is launched using pappletviewer from the command line under WINS (the emulator environment) it has the emulator maximum heap size available to it.

On the other hand, on Symbian OS phones the Web application is launched as a process (via true Symbian OS recognisers) and has available to it a maximum heap size of 32MB.

From Quartz 6.1 SDKs the heap size limit for apps launched via recognizers on the emulator has been increased to 16MB to address this problem.