Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0567 Setting WINDOWMODE COLOR4K in wsini.ini causes a UIQ Java app to crash

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Classification: Java Category: Emulator
Created: 01/31/2001 Modified: 07/16/2001
Number: FAQ-0567
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

I get AWTError: Image.setIntPixels() failed when WINDOWMODE COLOR256 is changed to WINDOWMODE COLOR4K in wsini.ini. What can I do about this?

It is a limitation of the Java Runtime on the UIQ emulator that it cannot support colour resolution better than COLOR256. The Nokia 9210 emulator has, by contrast, been modified so you can run Java applications and applets with WINDOWMODE COLOR4K, since this is the capability of the real device. None the less Java apps continue to be displayed in COLOR256 mode, both on Nokia 9210 hardware and under emulation.
A separate plug-in would need to be written to make 4K colour resolution available to the Symbian PersonalJava Runtime. This has not been a licensee requirement for any devices using v6.x or v7.0 software.

For the same reasons, you should not try to set the WINDOWMODE on the emulator to GRAY256 or to a colour resolution higher than COLOR4K.