Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0702 Has Symbian customised its implementation of PersonalJava to achieve a UIQ look and feel?

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Classification: Java Category: AWT
Created: 03/01/2001 Modified: 04/09/2002
Number: FAQ-0702
Platform: Not Applicable

Has Symbian customised its implementation of PersonalJava to achieve a UIQlook and feel?


Symbian have not changed the PersonalJava API in any way. Under Sun's licensing terms, they would not be entitled to do so and still call it a PersonalJava Application Environment. What Symbian have done is to modify the behaviour of some AWT controls and visual components to fit in with the Quartz style and form factor. For instance a Frame sizes itself automatically to the Quartz application area after a call to pack( ) and similarly a Dialog sizes and positions itself appropriately using the same method. Thus some of the methods ( like setSize( ) ) which are provided in these classes and would normally override this behaviour have been disabled. Hence calling setSize() on a Frame object has no effect.

Another feature is that you cannot navigate from component to component across a container using tabbing or similarly. This is because Quartz does not use the concept of component focus. A component is typically selected and activated via a pointer (stylus) tap.

Similarly, because Quartz devices use a touch screen, pointer driver user interface, the developer (when using the emulator) may find the handling of mouse behaviour (for instance MOUSE_DRAG events) differs from desktop Java implementations. Some of these differences are documented further in FAQ's on this Knowledge Base.