Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0747 Is implemented on Symbian OS?

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Classification: Java Category:
Created: 11/07/2001 Modified: 12/03/2001
Number: FAQ-0747
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1, Symbian OS v7.0

Is implemented on Symbian OS?

There is no native support for Multicast sockets and hence the methods of the class are unimplemented. On target hardware or on the emulator using the Symbian OS networking layer invocation of methods of the MulticastSocket class will result in an exception being thrown. For example
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnknownError: unimplemented
    at MCSocket.testMCSocket(
    at MCSocket.main(

      On the emulator using the Windows networking layer no such exception is thrown since the native implementation of the methods of MulticastSocket is provided by the Windows networking APIs. This is therefore an instance of when it is necessary to use the Symbian networking layer to provide true emulation of the target hardware. For more information on how to choose which networking layer the emulator uses see the SDK documentation Networking on the Emulator.

      There are no plans to provide implementation of Multicast sockets.