Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0785 Why can't I call setText() on an EikCommandButtonGroup before adding it to a Frame?

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Classification: Java Category: AWT
Created: 04/12/2002 Modified: 04/25/2002
Number: FAQ-0785
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0

The method calls I make on my EikCommandButtonGroup seem to be ignored until I add it to a Frame. Why is this?

A number of the methods of EikCommandButtonGroup have been written in such a way that they depend on the peer having been created for them to take effect. These methods are:
    public String getText(int position)
    public void setText(int position, String label)
    public void setEnabled(int position, boolean visible)
    public boolean isEnabled(int position)
    public void setDefaultButton(int position)
    The peer will not in practice be created until the EikCommandButtonGroup is added to a Frame. So these methods will only work if called after that. You can ensure that this discipline is followed by working with CFrame which, in its constructor, effectively instantiates and adds it to itself an EikCommandButtonGroup.