Symbian OS Library

FAQ-1010 How do I get started with PersonalJava development on UIQ?

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Classification: Java Category: SDK
Created: 03/11/2004 Modified: 03/22/2004
Number: FAQ-1010
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0

UIQ 2.0 and UIQ 2.1 support PersonalJava development as well as MIDP. This FAQ describes the necessary installation options required to get started with PersonalJava on UIQ.

Firstly download the UIQ SDK. The latest version is available from

    When installing the SDK ensure that the "UIQ 2.1 Java SDK" package installation is enabled. If you are considering JNI development you will also need to install the "UIQ 2.1 C++ SDK" package.

    For a new starter guide to developing in PersonalJava on UIQ check out the UIQ SDK documentation under
    UIQ Developer Library -> UIQ Java SDK -> Quick start