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Data Compatibility


Database File Format

The database file format is unchanged from previous versions of the Contacts Model.


Database Files Stored on Removable Media

Databases stored on removable media using a device with the previous version of the Contacts Model are not accessible by a device using the new version of the Contacts Model. Similarly, databases stored on removable media using devices with the new version of the Contacts Model are not accessible by a device using the previous version.


Database Restore

Databases restored from a backup made using a device with the previous version of the Contacts Model are not accessible by a device using the new version of the Contacts Model. Similarly, databases restored from a backup using a device with the new version of the Contacts Model are not accessible by a device using the previous version.


Database File Locations

The previous version of the Contacts Model stored database files in the secure DBMS directory:

c:\private\100012a5\DBS_100065FF_ <dbname>.cdb

This directory is no longer used since the new Contacts Model does not use the secure DBMS directory. The new version of the Contacts Model stores database files in:



Backup Registration Files

Backup registration files remain in the C:\private\10003a73 directory.

In the previous version of the Contacts Model there was one pre-created file for backup/restore of the initialisation file and contacts databases:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

    Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2004-2005. All Rights Reserved

 <passive_backup base_backup_only="yes">
  <include_file name = "cntmodel.ini"/>
 <dbms_backup database="contacts.cdb" policy="100065FF"/>

A separate backup registration file was created at run time for each additional contacts database, for example:

 <dbms_backup database="anotherdb.cdb" policy="100065FF"/>

In the new Contacts Model there is a separate file automatically generated for each data file (initialisation file and each contacts database, including the default database).

For example, the backup registration file (backup_registration_CntModel_ini.xml) for the initialisation file would have the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
 <passive_backup base_backup_only="yes">
  <include_file name="CntModel.ini"/>

The backup registration file (backup_registration_default_cdb.xml) for the default database default.cdb would have the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <passive_backup base_backup_only="yes"> 
  <include_file      name="default.cdb"/> 

Note that there is no reference to DBMS in the new file since we do not use the secure DBMS directory in the new Contacts Model.