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The public parts of the MCoeFepAwareTextEditor
(which is defined in epoc32\include\FEPBASE.H
) are as follows:
class MCoeFepAwareTextEditor
virtual void StartFepInlineEditL(const TDesC& aInitialInlineText, TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText, TBool aCursorVisibility, const MFormCustomDraw*, MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever&, MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit&)=0;
virtual void UpdateFepInlineTextL(const TDesC& aNewInlineText, TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText)=0;
virtual void SetInlineEditingCursorVisibilityL(TBool aCursorVisibility)=0;
IMPORT_C void CommitFepInlineEditL(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment);
virtual void CancelFepInlineEdit()=0;
virtual TInt DocumentLengthForFep() const=0;
virtual TInt DocumentMaximumLengthForFep() const=0;
virtual void SetCursorSelectionForFepL(const TCursorSelection& aCursorSelection)=0;
virtual void GetCursorSelectionForFep(TCursorSelection& aCursorSelection) const=0;
virtual void GetEditorContentForFep(TDes& aEditorContent, TInt aDocumentPosition, TInt aLengthToRetrieve) const=0;
virtual void GetFormatForFep(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt aDocumentPosition) const=0;
virtual void GetScreenCoordinatesForFepL(TPoint& aLeftSideOfBaseLine, TInt& aHeight, TInt& aAscent, TInt aDocumentPosition) const=0;
IMPORT_C MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1* Extension1();
virtual void DoCommitFepInlineEditL()=0;
IMPORT_C virtual MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1* Extension1(TBool& aSetToTrue);
An implementation of this interface is provided by TechView’s
class (CEikEdwin
was part of Uikon until
Symbian OS v7.0s). MCoeFepAwareTextEditor
’s member functions can
be divided into two categories: (i) functions for inline editing and (ii) other
functions which can broadly be categorised under the title 'context awareness'.
Inline editing means the text to be sent to the application is composed
inside the target text editing control, rather than in the FEP’s floating
window. This requires the cooperation of the target text editing control which
must implement the MCoeFepAwareTextEditor
interface. An inline
editing transaction consists of the following sequence:
a call to StartFepInlineEditL()
zero, one or more calls to UpdateFepInlineTextL()
finally, a call to either CommitFepInlineEditL()
. (Note that
is not used at all in inline
editing: the text is sent to the application via an entirely different
The second parameter (TInt
) to
and UpdateFepInlineTextL()
indicates where, in the inline text (which is passed as the first parameter),
the insertion point, or cursor, is to appear. Note that the first parameter to
must be used to pass the
entire inline text, not merely any new text to be combined with
the old inline text. The third parameter (TBool aCursorVisibility
controls whether the insertion point is visible or not. As the types of the
fourth, fifth and sixth parameters are abstract base classes, the FEP must
create objects derived from these classes
) and pass
references. These object(s) must remain in existence for the entire duration of
the inline editing transaction.
Note that MFormCustomDraw
pointer may NULL.
belongs to the FORM component and is not
described here. It enables the FEP to do advanced formatting of the inline
text. The details of the other two interface classes used in inline editing are
discussed next.
(defined in
) has a single (pure) virtual function
whose signature is as follows:
virtual void GetFormatOfFepInlineText(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt& aNumberOfCharactersWithSameFormat, TInt aPositionOfCharacter) const=0;
The first parameter is to be set by the function to the format of the
inline text. For example, TFEP1plugin
’s implementation of
this function sets this parameter to red, underlined text.
provides a member function for
finding out the ambient TCharFormat
of the text editor:
. This can be called inside the FEP’s
implementation of GetFormatOfFepInlineText()
to make any necessary
adjustments to the format of the inline text to ensure that it differentiates
itself from the surrounding text.
The second and third parameters to
enable different parts of the inline
text to have different formats. Their use is best illustrated by an example
(albeit an artificial one). Suppose the FEP requires the first four characters
of the inline text to be red, the next two characters (if there are any) to be
green, and any subsequent characters to be blue, the
function would look as follows:
void Xxxxx::GetFormatOfFepInlineText(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt& aNumberOfCharactersWithSameFormat, TInt aPositionOfCharacter) const
const TInt lengthOfRemainderOfInlineText=iBuffer.Length()-aPositionOfCharacter;
if (aPositionOfCharacter==0)
// first four characters are red
aNumberOfCharactersWithSameFormat=Min(4, lengthOfRemainderOfInlineText);
else if (aPositionOfCharacter==4)
// next two characters are green
aNumberOfCharactersWithSameFormat=Min(2, lengthOfRemainderOfInlineText);
else if (aPositionOfCharacter==6)
// any subsequent characters are blue
(which is
defined in epoc32\include\FEPBASE.H
) gives the FEP the opportunity
to handle pointer events which occur in the area on the screen occupied by the
inline text. It has a single (pure) virtual function whose signature is as
virtual void HandlePointerEventInInlineTextL(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TUint aModifiers, TInt aPositionInInlineText)=0;
The parameters indicate to the FEP the event’s type (for instance pointer down, pointer drag or pointer up), the keyboard modifiers (for instance caps lock and shift) and the logical position of the event in the inline text.
As well as providing support for inline editing, the
interface class enables the FEP to
find out information about the text editor control with focus.
returns the length of the text held in the
text editor. DocumentMaximumLengthForFep()
returns the upper limit
(if any) on the length of text that the text editor can hold.
selects the specified text range in
the text editor, and GetCursorSelectionForFep()
sets its parameter
to the selected text range in the text editor.
allows the FEP to retrieve any segment of
the text held in the text editor. GetFormatForFep()
sets its first
parameter according to the character format at the position in the text editor
specified by the second parameter. GetScreenCoordinatesForFepL()
sets the first parameter to the screen coordinates of the left end of the
baseline of the character glyph whose position in the text editor is specified
by the last parameter. The second and third parameters are set, respectively,
to the height and ascent of the font used at that document position. This
function can be used, for example, to position a FEP window as close as
possible to the text editor’s insertion point (in other words, the cursor
The Extension1()
member function of
returns a pointer to an object of
the interface class MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1
(defined in epoc32\include\FEPBASE.H
). This class has
two public (pure) virtual functions whose signatures are as follows:
virtual void SetStateTransferingOwnershipL(CState* aState, TUid aTypeSafetyUid)=0;
virtual CState* State(TUid aTypeSafetyUid)=0;
The CState
class is defined within the scope of the
class. The purpose of
the UIDs in the two functions above is to enable the FEP to safely downcast the
pointer returned by the State()
function to a
pointer to a derived class known about by the FEP. The CState
class is provided to enable FEPs to store state information inside text editor
controls, where that state information is only of interest to the FEP.