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This section explains how to configure Comms database for network connections over any kinds of data communications technology. Specifically, it explains the structure of the Comms database and how to configure the database to support specific network connections.
Symbian OS maintains a database of communications related configuration settings. This database is called Comms database and is always available on any Symbian platform.
The Comms database is accessed and manipulated by various tools and applications that need to manage voice or data transmissions using any kind of network technology. The comms database contains the necessary network configuration data for managing any kind of data connection over any kind of network. For example, to configure a modem you need to set fields such as
You can manage the database statically using the command line tools CED
and CEDDUMP or dynamically by using the CommsDat
For information about the mechanics of configuring the Comms databse using CED and CEDDUMP tools refer to Configuring comms database using CED and CEDDUMP.
Comms databse is a set of tables, each containing records and fields.
Each table is identified by its name such as GlobalSettings, ModemBearer,
and a corresponding numeric ID.
The CEDDUMP command line tool generate an image of the current comms
database in configuration file format. A sample extract of one record in the
is shown below.
Name= Direct Dial from Office in UK
The numeric ID is the record number of each table and it is not visible in the configuration file. Comments start with a # in column 1 of a line.
Tables may contain 0,1 or more records called as sections in the CED and CEDUMP. A new record to a table can be added as a new section in the configuration file. Each record in a table is identified by its name (i.e., the value of its Name field). Each record in a table is also identified by its record number: the first record added to a table is number 1, the second record is number 2, etc.
The configuration file can be used in two formats, CFG format and XML format.
For information on the file formats supported by CED and CEDDUMP refer to Comms database configuration file format.
format, records in other tables are referenced
using the record number and not the Name field.
#>> This is the first record added. Therefore, it is record 1.
#>> When CEDDUMP generates a configuration file from the database,
#>> it shows the record number as a comment:
#>> **WARNING** If the configuration file is edited, the #COMMDB_ID
#>> may be incorrect
Name= Direct Dial from Office in UK
Name=CSD: From UK location, dial out to an ISP using a Modem
#>> Use Location tables’s record number 1
NOTE: Comments beginning with #>> were added as part of this documentation.
format a record from one table will contain a field
that refers to a record from another table by latter's record name. In other
words, the record name is used as a key. This gives the flexibility to the
developers when using many records, hence XML format is recommended.
<Name>Direct Dial from Office in UK</Name>
#Name of this record
<IAP operation ="add">
<Name>CSD: From UK location, dial out to an ISP using a Modem</Name>
<LocationRef>Location.Direct Dial from Office in UK</LocationRef>
# In this format the reference to Location Table is specified as "Location.Direct Dial from office in UK"
NOTE: Comments beginning with # were added as part of this documentation.
Each table in the Comms database has a corresponding class in the
COMMSDAT API. To identify tables, application developers use the constant
defined for each table’s numeric ID, e.g.,
. Refer to
API documentation for a complete list of classes
and constants.
Use CEDDUMP to generate an image of the current Comms database in CFG format
Edit the configuration file to meet your requirements
Use the configuration file as input to the CED command-line tool to generate a new Comms database
The configuration file can also be used to append to an already existing Comms database
CED and CEDDUMP are often used as part of test procedures: to test a certain feature, you generate an appropriate Comms database, then you run the test script.
The following are some commonly used tables for making a data connection.For reference documentation on all fields in the public tables in Comms database refer to Comms Database Reference.
Name | Notes | Number of records |
Chargecard |
Data about credit card or charge card used to pay for service. |
0..n |
ConnectionPreferences |
Preferred IAP for connections |
1...n, but only two will be active. |
DialInISP |
Inbound CSD connections from internet service providers. Same fields as DialOutISP. |
0..n |
DialOutISP |
Outbound CSD connections to internet service providers. Same fields as DialinISP |
0..n |
GlobalSettings |
Settings that are global to the phone. |
1 |
Each IAP is defined as a specified service using a specified bearer. |
1..n |
IncomingGPRS |
Inbound wireless connections from GPRS providers. Same fields as OugoingGPRS. |
0..n |
LANBearer |
Connections to LANs such as Ethernet and WiFi. |
0..n |
LANService |
Available LAN services. |
0..n |
Location |
Location information for CSD connections: country code, area code, prefix, etc. |
0..n |
ModemBearer |
Modem-based connections such as Infrared, Bluetooth, etc. |
0..n |
Network |
Each record identifies one available network. Used for multihoming, i.e., the use of multiple IP addresses to maintain multiple connections, in some cases over multiple technologies. |
1..n |
OutgoingGPRS |
Outbound wireless connections to GPRS providers. Same fields as IncomingGPRS. |
0..n |
Proxies |
Information about any proxy servers. Used by internet browsers. |
0..n |
The diagram below shows the relationship among a subset of tables. These tables are the ones required for a CSD connection to an ISP and for PSD connections
Notice the central role of the IAP table. You can think of it as a table of network connection definitions. For example, for a connection to a specified internet provider, your wireless device must
Dial a telephone number specified in a record in DialOutISP
Use the dialling rules (area code, country code…) specified in a record in Location
Use the IP address specified in a record in one of the Service tables (LANService, DialOutISP...)
Use the modem specified by a record in ModemBearer
A record in the IAP table defines a specific network connection by specifying the Location, the Network, the Service and the Bearer. Here are the rules:
For the dialling rules, specify a particular record number (shown as <n> in the diagram) in the Location table
For the Network, specify a particular record number in the Network table
For the Service, specify:
The name of the service to use i.e., the name of one of the tables in the Services box. In our example, the service is DialOutISP.
The number of the record in that table, i.e., the record referring to a particular ISP
For the Bearer specify
The name of the bearer to use i.e., the name of one of the tables in the Bearers box. In our example, the bearer is ModemBearer
The name of the record in the specified table, i.e., the record referring to a particular model of modem.
The other tables play a key role in any network connection. The
application's choice of IAP is determined by the record in the
table. The
table specifies whether to prompt the user
with dialogs to choose the IAP and if not then use the preferred IAP specified
in a ConnectionPreferences
table contains only one record, with
settings that are global to the Symbian OS device as a whole.
The Comms database can be used to configure any kind of network connection that is supported by Symbian OS and the wireless device. The following are some common use cases: