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Class types



Applications on Symbian OS use four general kinds of class. These are:

These types are closely related to the requirements of cleanup support, which is described in more detail in Cleanup requirements.


Value types: T classes

The most fundamental types are value types. These are given type, or class, names beginning with T.

The consequences of these fundamental characteristics are explored below.


Many T types are simple enough not to need a constructor. Those that do, use the constructor to initialise member data.

Copy constructor and assignment operator

A copy constructor (TX(const TX&)) or assignment operator (TX& operator=(const TX&)) are rarely needed. This is because copying is always shallow, and almost always involves only a memberwise copy of the source T object to the destination. This is the default behaviour for the compiler-generated C++ copy constructor and assignment operator.

These functions may be needed if the T class is a templated class, parameterised by an integer length, which is also contained as a member of the class. Then, copying or assigning a TX<32> to a TX<40> would require more sophistication than a bitwise copy, so a copy constructor and assignment operator would have to be explicitly coded.


T types have no C++ destructor. None is needed, because no external resources need to be cleaned up when a T object goes out of scope.


T types may safely be orphaned on the stack. Orphaning implies that the memory is deallocated without calling the destructor. Because T types do not own external resources, no external resources can become inaccessible when a T object is orphaned.

Function arguments

T types may be passed by value, as well as by reference, in function arguments.

Data members

T types may contain other T type objects. In addition, they may contain R objects, or pointers to C objects, provided these objects are owned by another class or function, which is responsible for these objects’ cleanup. In practice, this rarely occurs.

Built-in C++ types

All built-in C++ types satisfy the criteria for T classes. Built-in types are given typedef names beginning with T, e.g. TInt.


Standard class hierarchy: C classes and class CBase

Most classes that are not T classes are C classes, which are derived, directly or indirectly, from class CBase.

CBase-derived classes have the following properties:

The requirements of C classes are documented in Two Phase Construction.


Resource types: R classes

R classes are proxies for objects owned elsewhere. There are two main motivations for this:

The following are key characteristics of R objects:

R classes use a variety of protocols to meet these needs:


Inteface types: M classes

M classes define abstract protocols, or interfaces. Concrete implementations of an interface defined by an M class are provided by derived protocol provider classes.

M classes have the following restrictions:

M classes often contain pure virtual functions that define a fully abstract interface. Some M classes implement some or all member functions, though within the restrictions given above.

M classes are the only use of multiple inheritance in Symbian OS. For details of this, see Multiple inheritance and interfaces.