Symbian Developer Library



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Position data



This document describes how position data is represented within the position data classes.


Values and co-ordinates


Co-ordinate adjustment

The TCoordinate base class holds the latitude, longitude and altitude of a position. If an application attempts to assign values that are outside of the ranges specified by WGS 84 to an instance of a TCoordinate class then the values are adjusted to lie within the correct interval.


Unassigned values

In some situations, one of the position co-ordinates, typically altitude may not be known. This is usually because the positioning module that was used to obtain the location fix was unable to obtain data for that co-ordinate. Where LBS cannot assign a value to a co-ordinate value, the value "Not a Number" (NaN) is assigned to it. Applications must test for this situation by calling Math::IsNaN() on each returned co-ordinate value before using it in a calculation.


See also

Position data and info classes