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The following code fragments show a simple use of the API.
Create an instance of the CSIPProfileRegistry
// An instance of the SIP client is needed.
// To do this, the client must implement MSIPObserver
// (see the SIP Client API).
iSip = CSIP::NewL(iDoc.AppUid(), *this);
// To create a CSIPProfileRegistry object, the client must
// provide an implementation of MSIPProfileRegistryObserver.
iProfileRegistry = CSIPProfileRegistry::NewL(*iSip, *this);
This is code that shows you how to retrieve profiles by matching an AOR:
// To retrieve more than one profile, the client must create
// an RPointerArray object to hold pointers to instances of CSIPProfile.
RPointerArray<CSIPProfile> profiles;
// Profiles matching a given AOR are returned in the array.
iProfileRegistry->ProfilesL(_L8( "sip:[email protected]" ), profiles );
// When a client retrieves a profile, its ownership is transferred to that
// client, so it becomes responsible for deleting the instances when they are
// no longer needed.
This is code that shows you how to retrieve profiles by type:
// To retrieve more than one profile, the client must create
// an RPointerArray object to holding pointers to instances of CSIPProfile.
RPointerArray<CSIPProfile> profiles;
// The wanted type is defined using a variable of type
// TSIPProfileTypeInfo.
TSIPProfileTypeInfo type;
type.iSIPProfileClass = TSIPProfileTypeInfo::EInternet;
type.iSIPProfileName = _L8("IETF");
// Profiles matching a given type are returned in the array.
iProfileRegistry->ProfilesL(type, profiles);
// When a client retrieves a profile, its ownership is transferred to that
// client, so it becomes responsible for deleting the instances when they are
// no longer needed.
This is code that shows you how to retrieve the default profile:
// Retrieving a default profile.
CSIPProfile* profile = iProfileRegistry->DefaultProfileL();
// When a client retrieves a profile, its ownership is transferred to that
// client, so it becomes responsible for deleting the instances when they are
// no longer needed.
delete profile;
This is code that shows you how to enable a profile:
// Retrieving a default profile. The instance must be stored and must not
// be deleted before the profile is disabled.
iProfile = iProfileRegistry->DefaultProfileL();
// Safety check that DefaultProfile() didn't return NULL pointer.
if ( !iProfile )
iObserver->ProfileError( KErrNotFound );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
// The client asks the API to enable the retrieved profile for its use.
// For that, the client must implement MSIPConnectionObserver.
iProfileRegistry->EnableL( *iProfile, *this );
TBool val(EFalse);
TInt err = iProfile->GetParameter(KSIPProfileRegistered,val);
// The parameter val indicates whether the profile can be immediately used for
// creating a session, or whether the client must wait for the profile to be
// registered.
if (val)
// get the SIP connection used by the profile
iConnection = iProfileRegistry->ConnectionL(*iProfile);
// create a SIP dialog for sending an INVITE;
// toHeader contains the SIP address of the invited party
iDialog = CSIPInviteDialogAssoc::NewL( *iConnection, *toHeader, *iProfile );
//Continue session establishement using the SIP Client API
// wait for the profile to be registered before using it further
This is code that shows you how to get registration events:
// A callback function, which must be implemented by the client, is
// called when the registration status of a profile owned by the client
// is changed.
void CMySIPClient:: ProfileRegistryEventOccurred(TUint32 aProfileId,
MSIPProfileRegistryObserver::TEvent aEvent)
iProfileId = aProfileId;
case EProfileCreated:
iEventId = EAdded;
case EProfileUpdated:
iEventId = EUpdated;
case EProfileRegistered:
iEventId = CMySIPClient::ERegistered;
case EProfileDeregistered:
iEventId = CMySIPClient::EDeregistered;
case EProfileDestroyed:
iEventId = ERemoved;
This is code that shows you how to disabling a profile:
// A client should disable an enabled profile when it no longer needs to
// use it.
TInt status = iProfileRegistry->Disable(*iProfile);
// Finally, the client should delete the profile.
delete iProfile;