Symbian Developer Library



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Introduction to Porting

Although P.I.P.S. provides a wide range of APIs, some of the functionality required in order to complete a porting task might be missing - this could be some APIs from an existing library or an entire library.

Several options are available to the user:

Note: The following are the limitations associated with porting a UNIX® application:



The implementation of P.I.P.S. APIs follows one of these four patterns:

The C API wrappers are C functions defined in a .cpp file that call Symbian C++ APIs on behalf of the C library. These wrappers may also map C handles to C++ objects. The C wrappers also provide access functions to both thread local and process local data, for example, int __errno(). These wrappers are contained in their corresponding C library.

For more information see the P.I.P.S. Architecture section.