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How to copy or cut to the clipboard

To put data onto the clipboard, first construct a CClipboard object and prepare it for writing using the NewForWritingLC() static member function. The following code fragment shows this.

CClipboard* cb = CClipboard::NewForWritingLC(fsSession);

The function needs a file server session.

The file associated with the clipboard's store may or may not exist. If it already exists, any existing content is discarded; if the file does not exist, it is created. In either event, NewForWritingLC() results in an empty clipboard.

Once the CClipboard object has been created, data is stored into the clipboard 's store. Both the store (CStreamStore) and the stream dictionary (CStreamDictionary), which the example needs to access, are encapsulated by CClipboard. The class, therefore, provides the Store() and StreamDictionary() member functions to return suitable references.

In this example, the data to be put into the clipboard's store is a single object item.

RStoreWriteStream  stream;
TStreamId stid = stream.CreateLC(cb->Store());
stream << *item;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stream
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cb

The steps are as follows:

  1. A new stream is prepared for writing using the CreateLC() member function of RStoreWriteStream; the CClipboard's store is to contain the new stream and so cb->Store() is passed as a parameter to CreateLC().

  2. The item object is externalised.

  3. The stream is committed.

  4. The resulting streamid and the UID, which identifies the data type, i.e. stid and KExampleClipUid, respectively, are placed in the stream dictionary using the stream dictionary's AssignL() member function.

  5. The process concludes by calling CClipboard's CommitL() member function to store the dictionary store as the root stream of the store and to commit all changes to the store.

  6. Deleting the CClipboard object causes the file associated with the clipboard's store to be closed, allowing other applications to access it.


See also

File server session


Commit and revert