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const TInt KUidContactsDbFileValue=0x100065FF;
Stores the value of KUidContactsDbFile as an integer.
const TUid KUidContactsDbFile={KUidContactsDbFileValue};
The third UID of the contacts database file, c:\system\data\contacts.cdb. This should be used by file recogniser implementations.
const TContactItemId KNullContactId=-1;
NULL contact item ID. Indicates that no contact item is present.
const TUid KClipboardUidTypeVCard={0x100038f6};
Identifies a vCard that has been pasted from the clipboard into the Contacts application.
const TUid KUidContactTemplate={ 0x1000130B };
Identifies the system template (CContactTemplate
const TUid KUidContactCardTemplate={ 0x10004FF1 };
Identifies a non-system template (CContactCardTemplate
const TUid KUidContactICCEntry={ 0x101F4A6F };
The UID that identifies ICC entries. These are a special type of contact item that are stored in the SIM (ICC) card on the phone.
const TUid KUidContactItem={0x10005673};
Identifies any CContactItem-derived class (all of the above).
const TUid KUidContactCardOrGroup={0x10005F71};
This identifies the CContactCard
and CContactGroup
classes. It is used internally by the contacts model.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialOne={ 0x100067C8 };
Field maps to the first speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialTwo={ 0x100067C9 };
Field maps to the second speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialThree={ 0x100067Ca };
Field maps to the third speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialFour={ 0x100067Cb };
Field maps to the fourth speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialFive={ 0x100067Cc };
Field maps to the fifth speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialSix={ 0x100067Cd };
Field maps to the sixth speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialSeven={ 0x100067Ce };
Field maps to the seventh speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialEight={ 0x100067Cf };
Field maps to the eighth speed dial position.
const TUid KUidSpeedDialNine={ 0x100067d0 };
Field maps to the ninth speed dial position.
const TUid KUidContactFieldCompanyNamePronunciation={ 0x10200BA8 };
Company name pronunciation field.
const TUid KUidContactFieldGivenNamePronunciation={ 0x10200BA9 };
Given name pronunciation field.
const TUid KUidContactFieldFamilyNamePronunciation={ 0x10200BAA };
Family name pronunciation field.
const TUid KUidContactFieldMsg={ 0x1000178F };
Telephone number used for a messaging service.
const TUid KUidContactFieldTemplateLabel={ 0x10005780 };
Template label field (a label which is used to refer to a template, for instance "work template", "personal template").
const TUid KUidContactFieldPicture={ 0x10005DD1 };
A picture field, for instance a logo or a photo.
const TUid KUidContactFieldRingTone={ 0x10006517 };
Identifies a ring tone field. This is a ring tone that is associated with a contact item.
const TUid KUidContactFieldIMAddress={ 0x101F6102 };
Identifies an instant messaging address field.
const TUid KUidContactFieldSecondName={ 0x101FD957 };
Identifies a USIM second name field. This field is provided to store an additional representation of the contact's name, such as a nickname or a different representation. An example could be a Japanese contact which has a romanised name and an alternative representation using kanji (pictogram) characters.
const TUid KUidContactFieldDepartmentName={ 0x10274DA9 };
Identifies a Department field.
const TUid KUidContactFieldICCSlot={ 0x101F4E0F };
Identifies an ICC slot contact field in the contact item.
const TUid KUidContactFieldICCPhonebook={ 0x101F7583 };
Identifies an ICC Phonebook contact field in the contact item.
const TUid KUidContactFieldICCGroup={ 0x101F81B9 };
Identifies an ICC Group contact field in the contact item.
const TUid KUidContactsVoiceDialField={ 0x10006646 };
Identifies a voice dial field. This is a voice recording associated with a telephone number field in the item.
const TInt32 KUidContactFieldMatchAllValue=0x110FFF22;
Used in field type matching to indicate that all field types match.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPOSTOFFICE={ 0x10004DEA };
Field type maps to the Post office box field in an ADR vCard property value.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapEXTENDEDADR={ 0x10004DEB };
Field type maps to the Extended address field in an ADR vCard property value.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapADR={ 0x1000401D };
Field type maps to vCard property ADR.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapLOCALITY={ 0x10004DEC };
Field type maps to the Locality field in an ADR vCard property value.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapREGION={ 0x10004DED };
Field type maps to the Region field in an ADR vCard property value.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPOSTCODE={ 0x10004DEE };
Field type maps to the Postcode field in an ADR vCard property value.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapCOUNTRY={ 0x10004DEF };
Field type maps to the Country field in an ADR vCard property value.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapAGENT={ 0x1000401E };
Field type maps to vCard property AGENT.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapBDAY={ 0x1000401F };
Field type maps to vCard property BDAY.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapEMAILINTERNET={ 0x10004020 };
Field type maps to vCard property EMAIL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapGEO={ 0x10004021 };
Field type maps to vCard property GEO.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapLABEL={ 0x10004022 };
Field type maps to vCard property LABEL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapLOGO={ 0x10004023 };
Field type maps to vCard property LOGO.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapMAILER={ 0x10004024 };
Field type maps to vCard property MAILER.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapNOTE={ 0x10004025 };
Field type maps to vCard property NOTE.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapORG={ 0x10004026 };
Field type maps to vCard property ORG.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapORGPronunciation={ 0x102015AB };
Field type maps to vCard X-IRMC-ORG parameter of property SOUND.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPHOTO={ 0x10004027 };
Field type maps to vCard property PHOTO.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapROLE={ 0x10004028 };
Field type maps to vCard property ROLE.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapSOUND={ 0x10004029 };
Field type maps to vCard property SOUND.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapTEL={ 0x1000402A };
Field type maps to vCard property TEL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapTELFAX={ 0x1000402B };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter FAX.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapTITLE={ 0x1000402C };
Field type maps to vCard property TITLE.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapURL={ 0x1000402D };
Field type maps to vCard property URL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnusedN={ 0x1000402E };
Field maps to the vCard property N (name). Must be used in conjunction with a name-related field type (e.g. KUidContactFieldGivenName) to form the given name field mapping.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnusedFN={ 0x1000402F };
Field type maps to vCard property FN (the display name).
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapNotRequired={ 0x10004030 };
Mapping between the vCard property and field type is not required.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnknownXDash={ 0x10004031 };
Unknown mapping between a field type and a vCard extension property.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnknown={ 0x10004032 };
Unknown mapping between field type and non-extension vCard property.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapUID={ 0x10004033 };
Field type maps to vCard property UID.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapWORK={ 0x100039DA };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter WORK.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapHOME={ 0x100039DB };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter HOME.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapMSG={ 0x100039DC };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter MSG.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapVOICE={ 0x100039DD };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter VOICE.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapFAX={ 0x100039DE };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter FAX.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPREF={ 0x10003E70 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter PREF.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapCELL={ 0x10003E71 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter CELL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPAGER={ 0x10003E72 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter PAGER.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapBBS={ 0x100039D5 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter BBS.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapMODEM={ 0x100039D6 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter MODEM.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapCAR={ 0x100039D7 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter CAR.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapISDN={ 0x100039D8 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter ISDN.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapVIDEO={ 0x100039D9 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter VIDEO.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapDOM={ 0x10003E80 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter DOM.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapINTL={ 0x10005DBE };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter INTL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPOSTAL={ 0x10005DBF };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter POSTAL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPARCEL={ 0x10005DC0 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter PARCEL.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapGIF={ 0x10005DC1 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value GIF.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapCGM={ 0x10005DC2 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value CGM.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapWMF={ 0x10005DC3 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value WMF.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapBMP={ 0x10005DC4 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value BMP.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapMET={ 0x10005DC5 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value MET.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPMB={ 0x10005DC6 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value PMB.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapDIB={ 0x10005DC7 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value DIB.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPICT={ 0x10005DC8 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value PICT.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapTIFF={ 0x10005DC9 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value TIFF.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPDF={ 0x10005DCA };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value PDF.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPS={ 0x10005DCB };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value PS.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapJPEG={ 0x10005DCC };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value JPEG.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapMPEG={ 0x10005DCD };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value MPEG.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapMPEG2={ 0x10005DCE };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value MPEG2.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapAVI={ 0x10005DCF };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value AVI.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapQTIME={ 0x10005DD0 };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value QTIME.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapTZ={ 0x10006519 };
Field type maps to vCard property TZ.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapKEY={ 0x1000651A };
Field type maps to vCard property KEY.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapX509={ 0x1000654E };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value X509.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPGP={ 0x1000654F };
Field type maps to vCard property parameter value PGP.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapSMIME={ 0x10006550 };
Used internally by the contacts model.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapWV={ 0x101FA9BF };
The field contains a Wireless Village instant messaging ID.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapSECONDNAME={ 0x101FD9B7 };
Field type mapping of a vCard property to contacts Second Name Field
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapSIPID={ 0x10204BB1 };
Field type mapping of a vCard property to contacts SIP Identity Field.
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapPOC={ 0x10204FC8 };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value POC (Push to Talk Over Cellular).
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapSWIS={ 0x10204FC9 };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value SWIS ("See What I See").
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapVOIP={ 0x10204FCA };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value VOIP (Voice Over IP).
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapAssistant={ 0x10274DAA };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value Assistant
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapAssistantTel={ 0x10274DAB };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value AssistantTel
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapAnniversary={ 0x10274DAC };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value Anniversary
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapSpouse={ 0x10274DAD };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value Spouse
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapChildren={ 0x10274DAE };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value Children
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapClass={ 0x10274DAF };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value Class
const TUid KUidContactFieldVCardMapDepartment={ 0x10274DB0 };
Field type maps to vCard extension property parameter value Department
const TLitC< sizeof(L"TYPE")/2 KVersitParamType)={sizeof(L"TYPE" )/2-1,L"TYPE" };
Name of the TYPE property parameter, for which the values are work, home etc.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"WORK")/2 KVersitParamWork)={sizeof(L"WORK" )/2-1,L"WORK" };
Name of the WORK property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"HOME")/2 KVersitParamHome)={sizeof(L"HOME" )/2-1,L"HOME" };
Name of the HOME property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MSG")/2 KVersitParamMsg)={sizeof(L"MSG" )/2-1,L"MSG" };
Name of the MSG property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"VOICE")/2 KVersitParamVoice)={sizeof(L"VOICE" )/2-1,L"VOICE" };
Name of the VOICE property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"FAX")/2 KVersitParamFax)={sizeof(L"FAX" )/2-1,L"FAX" };
Name of the FAX property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PREF")/2 KVersitParamPref)={sizeof(L"PREF" )/2-1,L"PREF" };
Name of the PREF property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"CELL")/2 KVersitParamCell)={sizeof(L"CELL" )/2-1,L"CELL" };
Name of the CELL property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PAGER")/2 KVersitParamPager)={sizeof(L"PAGER" )/2-1,L"PAGER" };
Name of the PAGER property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"BBS")/2 KVersitParamBbs)={sizeof(L"BBS" )/2-1,L"BBS" };
Name of the BBS property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MODEM")/2 KVersitParamModem)={sizeof(L"MODEM" )/2-1,L"MODEM" };
Name of the MODEM property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"CAR")/2 KVersitParamCar)={sizeof(L"CAR" )/2-1,L"CAR" };
Name of the CAR property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"ISDN")/2 KVersitParamIsdn)={sizeof(L"ISDN" )/2-1,L"ISDN" };
Name of the ISDN property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"VIDEO")/2 KVersitParamVideo)={sizeof(L"VIDEO" )/2-1,L"VIDEO" };
Name of the VIDEO property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"DOM")/2 KVersitParamDom)={sizeof(L"DOM" )/2-1,L"DOM" };
Name of the DOM property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"GIF")/2 KVersitParamGif)={sizeof(L"GIF" )/2-1,L"GIF" };
Name of the GIF property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"CGM")/2 KVersitParamCgm)={sizeof(L"CGM" )/2-1,L"CGM" };
Name of the CGM property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"WMF")/2 KVersitParamWmf)={sizeof(L"WMF" )/2-1,L"WMF" };
Name of the WMF property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"BMP")/2 KVersitParamBmp)={sizeof(L"BMP" )/2-1,L"BMP" };
Name of the BMP property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MET")/2 KVersitParamMet)={sizeof(L"MET" )/2-1,L"MET" };
Name of the MET property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PMB")/2 KVersitParamPmb)={sizeof(L"PMB" )/2-1,L"PMB" };
Name of the PMB property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"DIB")/2 KVersitParamDib)={sizeof(L"DIB" )/2-1,L"DIB" };
Name of the DIB property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PICT")/2 KVersitParamPict)={sizeof(L"PICT" )/2-1,L"PICT" };
Name of the PICT property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"TIFF")/2 KVersitParamTiff)={sizeof(L"TIFF" )/2-1,L"TIFF" };
Name of the TIFF property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PDF")/2 KVersitParamPdf)={sizeof(L"PDF" )/2-1,L"PDF" };
Name of the PDF property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PS")/2 KVersitParamPs)={sizeof(L"PS" )/2-1,L"PS" };
Name of the PS property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"JPEG")/2 KVersitParamJpeg)={sizeof(L"JPEG" )/2-1,L"JPEG" };
Name of the JPEG property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MPEG")/2 KVersitParamMpeg)={sizeof(L"MPEG" )/2-1,L"MPEG" };
Name of the MPEG property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"MPEG2")/2 KVersitParamMpeg2)={sizeof(L"MPEG2" )/2-1,L"MPEG2" };
Name of the MPEG2 property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"AVI")/2 KVersitParamAvi)={sizeof(L"AVI" )/2-1,L"AVI" };
Name of the AVI property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"QTIME")/2 KVersitParamQtime)={sizeof(L"QTIME" )/2-1,L"QTIME" };
Name of the QTIME property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"X509")/2 KVersitParamX509)={sizeof(L"X509" )/2-1,L"X509" };
Name of the X509 property parameter.
const TLitC< sizeof(L"PGP")/2 KVersitParamPGP)={sizeof(L"PGP" )/2-1,L"PGP" };
Name of the PGP property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("TYPE") KVersitParam8Type)={sizeof( "TYPE" )-1, "TYPE" };
8 bit name of the TYPE property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("WORK") KVersitParam8Work)={sizeof( "WORK" )-1, "WORK" };
8 bit name of the WORK property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("HOME") KVersitParam8Home)={sizeof( "HOME" )-1, "HOME" };
8 bit name of the HOME property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("MSG") KVersitParam8Msg)={sizeof( "MSG" )-1, "MSG" };
8 bit name of the MSG property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("VOICE") KVersitParam8Voice)={sizeof( "VOICE" )-1, "VOICE" };
8 bit name of the VOICE property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("FAX") KVersitParam8Fax)={sizeof( "FAX" )-1, "FAX" };
8 bit name of the FAX property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PREF") KVersitParam8Pref)={sizeof( "PREF" )-1, "PREF" };
8 bit name of the PREF property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("CELL") KVersitParam8Cell)={sizeof( "CELL" )-1, "CELL" };
8 bit name of the CELL property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PAGER") KVersitParam8Pager)={sizeof( "PAGER" )-1, "PAGER" };
8 bit name of the PAGER property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("BBS") KVersitParam8Bbs)={sizeof( "BBS" )-1, "BBS" };
8 bit name of the BBS property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("MODEM") KVersitParam8Modem)={sizeof( "MODEM" )-1, "MODEM" };
8 bit name of the MODEM property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("CAR") KVersitParam8Car)={sizeof( "CAR" )-1, "CAR" };
8 bit name of the CAR property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("ISDN") KVersitParam8Isdn)={sizeof( "ISDN" )-1, "ISDN" };
8 bit name of the ISDN property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("VIDEO") KVersitParam8Video)={sizeof( "VIDEO" )-1, "VIDEO" };
8 bit name of the VIDEO property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("DOM") KVersitParam8Dom)={sizeof( "DOM" )-1, "DOM" };
8 bit name of the DOM property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("GIF") KVersitParam8Gif)={sizeof( "GIF" )-1, "GIF" };
8 bit name of the GIF property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("CGM") KVersitParam8Cgm)={sizeof( "CGM" )-1, "CGM" };
8 bit name of the CGM property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("WMF") KVersitParam8Wmf)={sizeof( "WMF" )-1, "WMF" };
8 bit name of the WMF property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("BMP") KVersitParam8Bmp)={sizeof( "BMP" )-1, "BMP" };
8 bit name of the BMP property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("MET") KVersitParam8Met)={sizeof( "MET" )-1, "MET" };
8 bit name of the MET property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PMB") KVersitParam8Pmb)={sizeof( "PMB" )-1, "PMB" };
8 bit name of the PMB property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("DIB") KVersitParam8Dib)={sizeof( "DIB" )-1, "DIB" };
8 bit name of the DIB property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PICT") KVersitParam8Pict)={sizeof( "PICT" )-1, "PICT" };
8 bit name of the PICT property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("TIFF") KVersitParam8Tiff)={sizeof( "TIFF" )-1, "TIFF" };
8 bit name of the TIFF property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PDF") KVersitParam8Pdf)={sizeof( "PDF" )-1, "PDF" };
8 bit name of the PDF property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PS") KVersitParam8Ps)={sizeof( "PS" )-1, "PS" };
8 bit name of the PS property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("JPEG") KVersitParam8Jpeg)={sizeof( "JPEG" )-1, "JPEG" };
8 bit name of the JPEG property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("MPEG") KVersitParam8Mpeg)={sizeof( "MPEG" )-1, "MPEG" };
8 bit name of the MPEG property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("MPEG2") KVersitParam8Mpeg2)={sizeof( "MPEG2" )-1, "MPEG2" };
8 bit name of the MPEG2 property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("AVI") KVersitParam8Avi)={sizeof( "AVI" )-1, "AVI" };
8 bit name of the AVI property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("QTIME") KVersitParam8Qtime)={sizeof( "QTIME" )-1, "QTIME" };
8 bit name of the QTIME property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("X509") KVersitParam8X509)={sizeof( "X509" )-1, "X509" };
8 bit name of the X509 property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("PGP") KVersitParam8PGP)={sizeof( "PGP" )-1, "PGP" };
8 bit name of the PGP property parameter.
const TLitC8< sizeof("X-IRMC-N") KVersitParam8NamePrn)={sizeof( "X-IRMC-N" )-1, "X-IRMC-N" };
8 bit name of the X-IRMC-N property parameter (family or given name pronunciation).
const TLitC8< sizeof("X-IRMC-ORG") KVersitParam8CompanyPrn)={sizeof( "X-IRMC-ORG" )-1, "X-IRMC-ORG" };
8 bit name of the X-IRMC-ORG property parameter (company name pronunciation).
const TLitC8< sizeof("X-IRMC-") KVersitParam8PronunciationPrefix)={sizeof( "X-IRMC-" )-1, "X-IRMC-" };
8 bit name of the X-IRMC- property parameter (pronunciation field prefix).