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const TInt KHttpErrorBase=-7200;
Base value for the HTTP error code range (-7200 to -7399)
const TInt KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase=KHttpErrorBase;
Codec encoding errors for HTTP headers
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDefault=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase;
Error making a default encoding of unrecognised headers
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeAccept=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 1;
Error encoding the Accept field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeAcceptCharset=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 2;
Error encoding the Accept-Charset field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeQValue=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 3;
Error encoding a q-value parameter
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeAuthorization=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 4;
Error encoding the Authorization field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeBasicAuth=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 5;
Error encoding Basic credentials
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDigestAuth=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 6;
Error encoding Digest credentials
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeConnection=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 7;
Error encoding the Connection field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeContentLength=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 8;
Error encoding the Content-Length field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeContentType=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 9;
Error encoding the Content-Type field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeHost=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 10;
Error encoding the Host field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeHostPort=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 11;
Error encoding the Host field's port parameter
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeTransferEncoding=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 12;
Error encoding the Transfer-Encoding field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeUserAgent=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 13;
Error encoding the User-Agent field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDate=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 14;
Error encoding the Date field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeCookie=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 15;
Error encoding the Cookie field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeCacheControl=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 16;
Error encoding the Cache-Control field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodePragma=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 17;
Error encoding the Pragma field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeIfMatch=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 18;
Error encoding the if match field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeIfNoneMatch=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 19;
Error encoding the if none match field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeIfModifiedSince=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 20;
Error encoding the if modified since field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeIfUnmodifiedSince=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 21;
Error encoding the if unmodified since field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeCookie2=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 22;
Error encoding the Cookie2 field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeContentLanguage=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 23;
Error encoding the Content-Language field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDoWWWAuthenticate=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 24;
Error encoding the WWWAuthenticate field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDoAge=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 25;
Error encoding the Age field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDoVary=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 26;
Error encoding the Vary field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeDoContentLanguage=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 27;
Error encoding the Content-Language field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeContentEncoding=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 28;
Error encoding the Content-Encoding field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeContentLocation=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 29;
Error encoding the Content-Location field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeContentMD5=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 30;
Error encoding the Content-MD5 field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeAcceptLanguage=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 31;
Error encoding the Accept-Encoding field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeAcceptEncoding=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 32;
Error encoding the Accept-Language field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeTE=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 33;
Error encoding the TE field
const TInt KErrHttpEncodeUpgrade=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 34;
Error encoding the Upgrade field
const TInt KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase=KHttpErrorBase - 60;
Codec decoding errors for values found in HTTP headers
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDate=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase;
General formatting error for date values
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedMonth=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase - 2;
Malformed short month name
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDay=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase - 3;
Malformed number of day in month
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWkDay=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase - 4;
Malformed short day name
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWeekDay=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase - 5;
Malformed long day name
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedInteger=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase - 6;
Malformed integer value
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeMalformedQuotedStr=KHttpValueDecodeErrorBase - 7;
Malformed quoted string
const TInt KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase=KHttpErrorBase - 70;
Codec decoding errors for HTTP headers
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeAccept=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase;
Error decoding the Accept field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeConnection=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 1;
Error decoding the Connection field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeContentLength=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 2;
Error decoding the Content-Length field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeContentType=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 3;
Error decoding the Content-Type field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeTransferEncoding=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 4;
Error decoding the Transfer-Encoding field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 5;
Error decoding the WWWAuthenticate field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeUnknownAuthScheme=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 6;
The WWWAuthenticate field contained an unrecognised authentication scheme
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeBasicAuth=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 7;
Error decoding a Basic WWWAuthenticate challenge
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeDigestAuth=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 8;
Error decoding a Digest WWWAuthenticate challenge
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeCookie=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 9;
Error decoding a Set-Cookie field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeAuthorization=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 10;
Error decoding the Authorization field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeAcceptCharset=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 11;
Error decoding the Accept-Charset field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeAcceptLanguage=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 12;
Error decoding the Accept-Language field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeAcceptEncoding=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 13;
Error decoding the Accept-Encoding field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeTE=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 14;
Error decoding the TE field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeExpect=KHttpHeaderEncodeErrorBase - 15;
Error decoding the Expect field
const TInt KErrHttpDecodeContentDisposition=KHttpHeaderDecodeErrorBase - 14;
Error decoding the Content-Disposition field
const TInt KErrHttpResponseFailureBase=KHttpErrorBase - 100;
Response errors. These represent specific failure cases
const TInt KErrHttpRedirectExceededLimit=KErrHttpResponseFailureBase;
A uri redirected too many times, possibly indicating a circular redirection
const TInt KErrHttpRedirectUseProxy=KErrHttpResponseFailureBase - 1;
A server responded that the uri must be fetched via a proxy
const TInt KErrHttpRedirectNoLocationField=KErrHttpResponseFailureBase - 2;
A server sent a redirection response that did not include a Location header
const TInt KErrHttpUnknownParseState=KErrHttpResponseFailureBase - 3;
An error occured in parsing which left the parser in a unknown state
const TInt KErrHttpReqBuildErrorBase=KHttpErrorBase - 130;
Request building errors: cause the Validation Filter to make a transaction fail and terminate
const TInt KErrHttpRequestHasBody=KErrHttpReqBuildErrorBase;
A body is provided with a method that doesn't allow bodys to be transmitted
const TInt KErrHttpRequestBodyMissing=KErrHttpReqBuildErrorBase - 1;
A body is missing from a method that requires it
const TInt KErrHttpTraceReqWithoutMaxForwardHeader=KErrHttpReqBuildErrorBase - 2;
Should contain The Max-Forward header
const TInt KErrHttpPostReqBodyWithoutSizeOnHTTP10=KErrHttpReqBuildErrorBase - 3;
Body must NOT be sent chunked if using HTTP/1.0
const TInt KErrHttpInvalidHeaderInRequest=KErrHttpReqBuildErrorBase - 4;
Request contained a response header or a entity header but no body
const TInt KErrHttpMissingHeaderBase=KHttpErrorBase - 160;
Missing but required header errors
const TInt KErrHttpEntityHeaderMissingContentType=KErrHttpMissingHeaderBase;
A body was provided in the request but no Content-Type header was set
const TInt KErrHttpGeneralHeaderMissingHost=KErrHttpMissingHeaderBase - 1;
The request URI was relative, but no Host header was set to indicate a server to connect to
const TInt KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase;
The request body needed to be rewound but the client but it doesn't support
const TInt KErrHttpProtTransactionNotInitialised=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -1;
The Protocol handler is not initialised
const TInt KErrHttpCannotEstablishTunnel=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -2;
Unable to establish a tunnel.
const TInt KErrHttpNonPipeliningError=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -4;
Protocol handler experienced a non-pipelining error
const TInt KErrHttpPipeliningError=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -5;
Protocol handler experienced a pipelining error
const TInt KErrHttpRequestNotSent=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -6;
The request has been not sent for the transaction and connection has been disconnected. This error will be propagated to the client only, if the HTTP:ENotifyOnDisconnect property is set with a value HTTP::EEnableDisconnectNotification
const TInt KErrHttpResponseNotReceived=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -7;
The response has been not received for the transaction and connection has been disconnected. This error will be propagated to the client only, if the HTTP:ENotifyOnDisconnect property is set with a value HTTP::EEnableDisconnectNotification
const TInt KErrHttpPartialResponseReceived=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -8;
Partial response has been received and connection has been disconnected. This error will be propagated to the client only, if the HTTP:ENotifyOnDisconnect property is set with a value HTTP::EEnableDisconnectNotification
const TInt KErrHttpOptimiserFailsTrans=KErrHttpProtocolHandlerBase -9;
ClientApplication wants to fail the transaction that was in process by the HTTPMessageParser