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An enumeration whose enumerators define the type of response received from an Information Access Service (IAS) query.
Response from an Information Access Service (IAS) query to another device's IAS ...
The character set encoding of the character string response from an IAS query.
TIASResponse::GetCharString(TDes8 &,TInt)const
Returns the response string.TIrdaSockAddr::GetCharacterSet()const
Returns the character set supported by the remote device.
const TUint KAutoBindLSAP=0xffff;
An invalid LSAP number--binding to this will select the first unused LSAP.
const TUid KIrdaPropertyCategory={KUidSystemCategoryValue};
Category used when publishing IrDA status notifications.
const TUint KDiscoveryIndicationIoctl=0;
Completes on receipt of a discovery indication.
Returns log entry in a TNameEntry.
Ioctl level : KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KExclusiveModeIoctl=1;
Completes on successfully making RSocket
EXCLUSIVE else returns error.
Completes successfully or returns KErrDisconnected if failed.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KMultiplexModeIoctl=2;
Completes on successfully making RSocket
MULTIPLEXED else returns error.
Completes successfully or returns KErrDisconnected if failed.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrmuxStatusRequestIoctl=3;
Completes on doing a status request on IrMUX layer packets to send.
Returns TDes8* holding TUint indicating number of outstanding MUX data requests.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrlapStatusRequestIoctl=4;
Completes on doing a status request on IrLAP layer packets to send.
Returns TDes8* holding TUint indicating the number of outstanding LAP data requests.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIdleRequestIoctl=5;
Completes on successfully putting RSocket
into IDLE mode.
Completes successfully or returns KErrAbort if failed.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIdleClearRequestIoctl=6;
Completes on successfully taking RSocket
out of IDLE mode.
Completes successfully or returns KErrAbort if failed.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KDisconnectIndicationIoctl=7;
Completes on receipt of an IrLAP disconnect indication.
Completes successfully on IrLAP or IrMUX disconnect on this connection.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrlapStatusIndicationIoctl=8;
Completes on doing a status request on IrLAP layer packets to send.
Returns TDes8* holding TUint indicating the number of outstanding LAP data requests.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrmuxStatusIndicationIoctl=9;
Completes on receiving a status indication from IrLAP.
Returns TDes8* holding TUint indicating the number of outstanding MUX data requests.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrlapResetRequestIoctl=10;
Completes on doing an IrLAP link reset.
Does an SNRMP-UAF link reset which can be initiated from either primary or secondary.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrlapResetIndicationIoctl=11;
Completes on receipt of an IrLAP link reset indication.
Completes with error value KErrNone if link is successfully reset.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KIrlapDisconnectRequestIoctl=12;
Completes on doing an IrLAP link reset.
Does a DISCP-UAF link disconnect which can be initiated from either primary or secondary.
Ioctl level: KIrdaAddrFamily
const TUint KUnexpeditedDataOpt=0;
Sets transfer mode to be unexpedited (the default).
Not recommended for use with SetOpt(). Preferred use is with RSocket::Send(const TDesC8 &,TUint,TRequestStatus &)
Returns KErrNone
const TUint KExpeditedDataOpt=1;
Sets transfer mode to be expedited (urgent).
Not recommended for use with SetOpt(). Preferred use is with RSocket::Send(const TDesC8 &,TUint,TRequestStatus &)
Returns KErrNone
const TUint KDiscoverySlotsOpt=2;
Sets number of discovery slots.
Returns KErrNone
const TUint KUserBaudOpt=3;
Sets the requested maximum link baud rate.
Returns KErrInUse, if the link is already running.
Returns with the currently set maximum link baud supported.
const TUint KHostMaxDataSizeOpt=4;
Sets the requested maximum data packet size that can be received by the host.
Returns KErrInUse, if the link is already running.
Returns with the currently set value for the maximum receivable data size of the host IrLAP layer.
const TUint KRemoteMaxDataSizeOpt=6;
Returns KErrNotSupported.
Cannot set this value for the remote station.
Returns with the currently set value for the maximum transmissible data size to remote IrLAP layer.
const TUint KHostMaxTATimeOpt=5;
Set the maximum link turnaround time for the host IrLAP layer.
Returns KErrInUse, if the link is already running.
Returns with the currently set value for the host link turnaround time
const TUint KIrlapDisableResetOpt=9;
Disables IrLAP level reset_check/wait states
const TUint KLocalBusyDetectedOpt=10;
Allows the client to set local busy in IrLAP.
const TUint KLocalBusyClearedOpt=11;
Allows the client to clear local busy in IrLAP
const TUint KDiscoveryResponseDisableOpt=12;
Disables discovery response for a short period (typically 3 seconds).
const TUint KFirstHintByteOpt=13;
Sets the host's first service hint byte used in XID frames.
Retrieves the first hint byte.
const TUint KSecondHintByteOpt=14;
Sets the host's second service hint byte used in XID frames.
Retrieves the second hint byte
const TUint KTinyTPLocalSegSizeOpt=7;
Turns on transport layer segmentation with the segment size specified. This value is advertised to the remote machine as the maximum amount of data we can reassemble.
Returns KErrNone
const TUint KTinyTPRemoteSegSizeOpt=8;
Queries the remote machine's segment size. The remote machine is unable to assemble more data than this.
Returns the remote machine's segment size.
const TUint KTinyTPDisabledSegmentation=15;
Disables TinyTP reassembly of segmented packets.
Interface status: | deprecated | Disables TinyTP reassembly of segmented packets. |
const TUint KTinyTPDiasbledSegmentation=15;