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#include <e32err.h>

e32err.h Global variables


const TInt KErrNone=0;


System wide error code 0 : this represents the no-error condition.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrNotFound=(-1);


System wide error code -1 : item not found.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrGeneral=(-2);


System wide error code -2 : an error that has no specific categorisation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCancel=(-3);


System wide error code -3 : indicates an operation that has been cancelled.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrNoMemory=(-4);


System wide error code -4 : an attempt to allocate memory has failed.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrNotSupported=(-5);


System wide error code -5 : some functionality is not supported in a given context.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

There may be many reasons for this; for example, a device may not support some specific behaviour.



const TInt KErrArgument=(-6);


System wide error code -6 : an argument is out of range.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrTotalLossOfPrecision=(-7);


System wide error code -7 : a calculation has lost precision.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

This error arises when converting from an internal 96-bit real representation to a TReal32; the exponent of the internal representation is so small that the 32-bit real cannot contain it.



const TInt KErrBadHandle=(-8);


System wide error code -8 : an invalid handle has been passed.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

A function involving a resource owned by a server or the kernel has specified an invalid handle.



const TInt KErrOverflow=(-9);


System wide error code -9 : indicates an overflow in some operation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

In the context of mathematical or time/date functions, indicates a calculation that has produced arithmetic overflow exceeding the bounds allowed by the representation.

In the context of data transfer, indicates that a buffer has over-filled without being emptied soon enough.



const TInt KErrUnderflow=(-10);


System wide error code -10 : indicates an underflow in some operation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

In the context of mathematical or time/date functions, indicates a calculation that has produced a result smaller than the smallest magnitude of a finite number allowed by the representation.

In the context of data transfer, indicates that a buffer was under-filled when data was required.



const TInt KErrAlreadyExists=(-11);


System wide error code -11 : an object already exists.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

An object of some name/type is to be created, but an object of that name/type already exists.



const TInt KErrPathNotFound=(-12);


System wide error code -12 : in the context of file operations, a path was not found.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrDied=(-13);


System wide error code -13 : a handle refers to a thread that has died.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrInUse=(-14);


System wide error code -14 : a requested resource is already in exclusive use.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrServerTerminated=(-15);


System wide error code -15 : client/server send/receive operation cannot run, because the server has terminated.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrServerBusy=(-16);


System wide error code -16 : a client/server send/receive operation cannot run, because the server is busy handling another request.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCompletion=(-17);


System wide error code -17 : indicates that an operation is complete, successfully or otherwise.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

This code may be used to indicate that some follow on operation can take place. It does not necessarily indicate an error condition.



const TInt KErrNotReady=(-18);


System wide error code -18 : indicates that a device required by an i/o operation is not ready to start operations.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

A common reason for returning this code is because a device has not been initialised, or has no power.



const TInt KErrUnknown=(-19);


System wide error code -19 : a device is of unknown type.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCorrupt=(-20);


System wide error code -20 : indicates that some media is not formatted properly, or links between sections of it have been corrupted.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrAccessDenied=(-21);


System wide error code -21 : access to a file is denied, because the permissions on the file do not allow the requested operation to be performed.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrLocked=(-22);


System wide error code -22 : an operation cannot be performed, because the part of the file to be read or written is locked.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrWrite=(-23);


System wide error code -23 : during a file write operation, not all the data could be written.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrDisMounted=(-24);


System wide error code -24 : a volume which was to be used for a file system operation has been dismounted.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrEof=(-25);


System wide error code -25 : indicates that end of file has been reached.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.

Note that RFile::Read(TDes8 &)const is a higher-level interface. When the end of the file is reached, it returns zero bytes in the destination descriptor, and a KErrNone return value. KErrEof is not used for this purpose; other error conditions are returned only if some other error condition was indicated on the file.



const TInt KErrDiskFull=(-26);


System wide error code -26 : a write operation cannot complete, because the disk is full.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrBadDriver=(-27);


System wide error code -27 : a driver DLL is of the wrong type.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrBadName=(-28);


System wide error code -28 : a file name or other object name does not conform to the required syntax.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCommsLineFail=(-29);


System wide error code -29 : a communication line has failed.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCommsFrame=(-30);


System wide error code -30 : a frame error has occurred in a communications operation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCommsOverrun=(-31);


System wide error code -31 : an overrun has been detected by a communications driver.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCommsParity=(-32);


System wide error code -32 : a parity error has occurred in communications.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrTimedOut=(-33);


System wide error code -33 : an operation has timed out.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCouldNotConnect=(-34);


System wide error code -34 : a session could not connect.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrCouldNotDisconnect=(-35);


System wide error code -35 : a session could not disconnect.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrDisconnected=(-36);


System wide error code -36 : a function could not be executed because the required session was disconnected.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint=(-37);


System wide error code -37 : a library entry point was not of the required type.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrBadDescriptor=(-38);


System wide error code -38 : a non-descriptor parameter was passed by a client interface, when a server expected a descriptor.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrAbort=(-39);


System wide error code -39 : an operation has been aborted.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrTooBig=(-40);


System wide error code -40 : a number was too big.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrDivideByZero=(-41);


System wide error code -41 : a divide-by-zero operation has been attempted.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrBadPower=(-42);


System wide error code -42 : insufficient power was available to complete an operation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrDirFull=(-43);


System wide error code -43 : an operation on a directory has failed.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrHardwareNotAvailable=(-44);


System wide error code -44 : an operation cannot be performed because the necessary hardware is not available.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrSessionClosed=(-45);


System wide error code -45 : the completion status when an outstanding client/server message is completed because a shared session has been closed.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrPermissionDenied=(-46);


System wide error code -46 : an operation cannot be performed due to a potential security violation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrExtensionNotSupported=(-47);


System wide error code -47 : a requested extension function is not supported by the object concerned.



const TInt KErrCommsBreak=(-48);


System wide error code -48 : a break has occurred in a communications operation.

A system wide error code indicates an error in the environment, or in user input from which a program may recover.



const TInt KErrNoSecureTime=(-49);


System wide error code -49 : a trusted time source could not be found and any time value given in conjunction with this error code should not be trusted as correct.