Defines how emails will be encoded when they are sent.
MIME standards are defined in RFC 2045, RFC 2046 and RFC 2047.
EMsgOutboxDefault |
Emails are sent with the default encoding, which is as for EMsgOutboxMIME.
EMsgOutboxNoAlgorithm |
Emails are sent as plain text RFC822 messages.
Attachments are encoded using UUEncoding algorithm. This method would not normally be used unless the sender was sure that
the receiving mail clients don't support MIME.
EMsgOutboxMIME |
Text is encoded using quoted-printable encoding, and all attachments are encoded using BASE64 encoding.
This is the default setting for this option.
Text parts of the message are sent as MIME TEXT/HTML parts, and are encoded using UTF-8 encoding system.
All attachments are encoded using BASE64 encoding. Receiving mail clients that do no support MHTML mail will display the HTML
message text to the user including all HTML tags, etc.
EMsgOutboxMHTMLAlternativeAsMIME |
Each text part of the message is sent as two alternative MIME parts.
The first part is sent as plain text using quoted-printable encoding, the second part is sent as a TEXT/HTML part which is
encoded using UTF-8 encoding system. All attachments are encoded using BASE64 encoding. This is the standard encoding method
if the user wishes to send MHTML mail.
Messaging encoding types.
Folder type flags.
The flags correspond to the MIME multipart subtype.
Describes the types of off-line email operations than can occur.
See also: