Defines a filter to be used when listing tasks scheduled in a call to RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL(CArrayFixFlat< TSchedulerItemRef > &,const TScheduleFilter,const TTaskFilter)
See also:
EAllTasks |
Indicates that all tasks are to be selected.
EMyTasks |
Indicates those tasks associated with the executing program with which the calling client is associated, are to be selected.
Defines a filter to be used when listing schedules in a call to RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL(CArrayFixFlat< TSchedulerItemRef > &,const TScheduleFilter)
, and when listing tasks in a call to RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL(CArrayFixFlat< TSchedulerItemRef > &,const TScheduleFilter,const TTaskFilter)
See also:
EAllSchedules |
Indicates that all schedules are to be selected.
EPendingSchedules |
Indicates that only pending schedules are to be selected.
Note that pending schedules are those that are enabled and have tasks associated with them.
Defines the type of interval used by a schedule entry.
See also:
EHourly |
The interval is based on hours.
EDaily |
The interval is based on days.
EMonthly |
The interval is based on months.
EYearly |
The interval is based on years.