.. _usingfunction: =========================================== :mod:`function` - defines theano.function =========================================== .. module:: theano.compile.function :platform: Unix, Windows :synopsis: defines theano.function and related classes .. moduleauthor:: LISA Guide ===== This module provides :func:`function`, commonly accessed as `theano.function`, the interface for compiling graphs into callable objects. You've already seen example usage in the basic tutorial... something like this: >>> import theano >>> x = theano.tensor.dscalar() >>> f = theano.function([x], 2*x) >>> f(4) array(8.0) The idea here is that we've compiled the symbolic graph (``2*x``) into a function that can be called on a number and will do some computations. The behaviour of function can be controlled in several ways, such as :class:`In`, :class:`Out`, ``mode``, ``updates``, and ``givens``. These are covered in the :ref:`tutorial examples ` and :ref:`tutorial on modes `. Reference ========= .. class:: In A class for attaching information to function inputs. .. attribute:: variable A variable in an expression graph to use as a compiled-function parameter .. attribute:: name A string to identify an argument for this parameter in keyword arguments. .. attribute:: value The default value to use at call-time (can also be a Container where the function will find a value at call-time.) .. attribute:: update An expression which indicates updates to the Value after each function call. .. attribute:: mutable ``True`` means the compiled-function is allowed to modify this argument. ``False`` means it is not allowed. .. attribute:: borrow ``True`` indicates that a reference to internal storage may be returned, and that the caller is aware that subsequent function evaluations might overwrite this memory. .. attribute:: strict If ``False``, a function argument may be copied or cast to match the type required by the parameter `variable`. If ``True``, a function argument must exactly match the type required by `variable`. .. attribute:: allow_downcast ``True`` indicates that the value you pass for this input can be silently downcasted to fit the right type, which may lose precision. (Only applies when `strict` is ``False``.) .. attribute:: autoname ``True`` means that the `name` is set to variable.name. .. attribute:: implicit ``True`` means that the input is implicit in the sense that the user is not allowed to provide a value for it. Requires 'value' to be set. ``False`` means that the user can provide a value for this input. .. method:: __init__(self, variable, name=None, value=None, update=None, mutable=None, strict=False, allow_downcast=None, autoname=True, implicit=None, borrow=None, shared=False) Initialize attributes from arguments. .. class:: Out A class for attaching information to function outputs .. attribute:: variable A variable in an expression graph to use as a compiled-function output .. attribute:: borrow ``True`` indicates that a reference to internal storage may be returned, and that the caller is aware that subsequent function evaluations might overwrite this memory. .. method:: __init__(variable, borrow=False) Initialize attributes from arguments. .. function:: function(inputs, outputs, mode=None, updates=None, givens=None, no_default_updates=False, accept_inplace=False, name=None, rebuild_strict=True, allow_input_downcast=None, profile=None, on_unused_input='raise') Return a :class:`callable object ` that will calculate `outputs` from `inputs`. :type params: list of either Variable or In instances, but not shared variables. :param params: the returned :class:`Function` instance will have parameters for these variables. :type outputs: list of Variables or Out instances :param outputs: expressions to compute. :type mode: None, string or :class:`Mode` instance. :param mode: compilation mode :type updates: iterable over pairs (shared_variable, new_expression). List, tuple or dict. :param updates: expressions for new :class:`SharedVariable` values :type givens: iterable over pairs (Var1, Var2) of Variables. List, tuple or dict. The Var1 and Var2 in each pair must have the same Type. :param givens: specific substitutions to make in the computation graph (Var2 replaces Var1). :type no_default_updates: either bool or list of Variables :param no_default_updates: if True, do not perform any automatic update on Variables. If False (default), perform them all. Else, perform automatic updates on all Variables that are neither in ``updates`` nor in ``no_default_updates``. :param name: an optional name for this function. The profile mode will print the time spent in this function. :param rebuild_strict: True (Default) is the safer and better tested setting, in which case `givens` must substitute new variables with the same Type as the variables they replace. False is a you-better-know-what-you-are-doing setting, that permits `givens` to replace variables with new variables of any Type. The consequence of changing a Type is that all results depending on that variable may have a different Type too (the graph is rebuilt from inputs to outputs). If one of the new types does not make sense for one of the Ops in the graph, an Exception will be raised. :type allow_input_downcast: Boolean or None :param allow_input_downcast: True means that the values passed as inputs when calling the function can be silently downcasted to fit the dtype of the corresponding Variable, which may lose precision. False means that it will only be cast to a more general, or precise, type. None (default) is almost like False, but allows downcasting of Python float scalars to floatX. :type profile: None, True, or ProfileStats instance :param profile: accumulate profiling information into a given ProfileStats instance. If argument is `True` then a new ProfileStats instance will be used. This profiling object will be available via self.profile. :param on_unused_input: What to do if a variable in the 'inputs' list is not used in the graph. Possible values are 'raise', 'warn', and 'ignore'. :rtype: :class:`Function ` instance :returns: a callable object that will compute the outputs (given the inputs) and update the implicit function arguments according to the `updates`. Inputs can be given as variables or In instances. :class:`In` instances also have a variable, but they attach some extra information about how call-time arguments corresponding to that variable should be used. Similarly, :class:`Out` instances can attach information about how output variables should be returned. The default is typically 'FAST_RUN' but this can be changed in :doc:`theano.config <../config>`. The mode argument controls the sort of optimizations that will be applied to the graph, and the way the optimized graph will be evaluated. After each function evaluation, the `updates` mechanism can replace the value of any SharedVariable [implicit] inputs with new values computed from the expressions in the `updates` list. An exception will be raised if you give two update expressions for the same SharedVariable input (that doesn't make sense). If a SharedVariable is not given an update expression, but has a ``default_update`` member containing an expression, this expression will be used as the update expression for this variable. Passing ``no_default_updates=True`` to ``function`` disables this behavior entirely, passing ``no_default_updates=[sharedvar1, sharedvar2]`` disables it for the mentioned variables. Regarding givens: Be careful to make sure that these substitutions are independent, because behaviour when Var1 of one pair appears in the graph leading to Var2 in another expression is undefined (e.g. with ``{a: x, b: a + 1}``). Replacements specified with givens are different from optimizations in that Var2 is not expected to be equivalent to Var1. .. autofunction:: theano.compile.function.function_dump .. autoclass:: theano.compile.function_module.Function :members: free, copy, __call__