.. _links: Links ===== This page lists links to various resources. Theano requirements ------------------- - git_: A distributed revision control system (RCS). - nosetests_: A system for unit tests. - numpy_: A library for efficient numerical computing. - python_: The programming language Theano is for. - scipy_: A library for scientific computing. Libraries we might want to look at or use ----------------------------------------- This is a sort of memo for developers and would-be developers. - autodiff_: Tools for automatic differentiation. - boost.python_: An interoperability layer between Python and C++ - cython_: A language to write C extensions to Python. - liboil_: A library for CPU-specific optimization. - llvm_: A low-level virtual machine we might want to use for compilation. - networkx_: A package to create and manipulate graph structures. - pycppad_: Python bindings to an AD package in C++. - pypy_: Optimizing compiler for Python in Python. - shedskin_: An experimental (restricted-)Python-to-C++ compiler. - swig_: An interoperability layer between Python and C/C++ - unpython_: Python to C compiler. .. _git: http://git-scm.com/ .. _nosetests: http://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .. _numpy: http://numpy.scipy.org/ .. _python: http://www.python.org .. _scipy: http://scipy.org/ .. _autodiff: http://www.autodiff.org .. _boost.python: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_38_0/libs/python/doc/index.html .. _cython: http://www.cython.org/ .. _liboil: http://liboil.freedesktop.org/wiki/ .. _llvm: http://llvm.org/ .. _networkx: http://networkx.lanl.gov/ .. _pypy: http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/ .. _swig: http://www.swig.org/ .. _unpython: http://code.google.com/p/unpython/ .. _pycppad: http://www.seanet.com/~bradbell/pycppad/index.xml .. _shedskin: http://shed-skin.blogspot.com/