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The first group of methods are used to create and configure
items on a canvas.
- create_arc(bbox, options) => id
Create an arc canvas item. Returns the item handle.
- create_bitmap(position, options) => id
Create a bitmap canvas item. Returns the item handle.
- create_image(position, options) => id
Create an image canvas item. Returns the item handle.
- create_line(coords, options) => id
Create a line canvas item. Returns the item handle.
- create_oval(bbox, options) => id
Create an oval canvas item. Returns the item handle.
- create_polygon(coords, options) => id
Create a polygon canvas item. Returns the item
- create_rectangle(bbox, options) => id
Create a rectangle canvas item. Returns the item
- create_text(position, options) => id
Create a text canvas item. Returns the item handle.
- create_window(position, options) => id
Place a Tkinter widget on the canvas. Returns the item
Note that widgets are drawn on top of the canvas (that is, the
canvas acts like a geometry manager). You cannot draw other canvas
items on top of a widget.
- delete(items)
Delete all matching items. It is not an error to give an item
specifier that doesn't match any items.
- itemcget(item, option) => string
Get the current value for an option. If item refers to
more than one items, this method returns the option value for the
first item found.
- itemconfig(item, options), itemconfigure(item,
Change one or more options for all matching items.
- coords(item) => list
Return the coordinates for the given item. If item refers to
more than one items, this method returns the coordinates for the
first item found.
- coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn)
Change the coordinates for the given item. This method updates
all matching items.
- bbox(items) => tuple, bbox() =>
Returns the bounding box for the given items. If the specifier
is omitted, the bounding box for all items are returned. Note that
the bounding box is approximate and may differ a few pixels from
the real value.
- canvasx(screenx) => float, canvasy(screeny)
=> float
Convert a window coordinate (for example, the x and
y coordinates from the structure passed to an event handler) to
a canvas coordinate.
- tag_bind(item, sequence, callback), tag_bind(item,
sequence, callback, "+")
Add an event binding to all matching items. Usually, the new
binding replaces any existing binding for the same event sequence.
The second form can be used to add the new callback to the existing
Note that the new bindings are associated with the items, not
the tag. For example, if you attach bindings to all items having
the movable tag, they will only be attached to any
existing items with that tag. If you create new items tagged as
movable, they will not get those bindings.
- tag_unbind(item, sequence)
Remove the binding, if any, for the given event sequence. This
applies to all matching items.
- type(item) => string
Return the type of the given item: "arc", "bitmap", "image",
"line", "oval", "polygon", "rectangle", "text", or "window". If
item refers to more than one items, this method returns the type of
the first item found.
- lift(item), tkraise(item)
Move the given item to the top of the canvas stack. If multiple
items match, they are all moved, with their relative order
This method doesn't work with window items. To change their
order, use lift on the widget instance instead.
- lower(item)
Move the given item to the bottom of the canvas stack. If
multiple items match, they are all moved, with their relative order
This method doesn't work with window items. To change their
order, use lower on the widget instance instead.
- move(item, dx, dy)
Move all items dx canvas units to the right, and
dy canvas units downwards. Both coordinates can be
- scale(item, xscale, yscale, xoffset, yoffset)
Scale matching items according to the given scale factors. The
coordinates for each item are first moved by -offset, then
multiplied with the scale factory, and then moved back again. Note
that this method modifies the item coordinates; you may loose
precision if you use this method several times on the same
- postscript(options)
Generate a Postscript rendering of the canvas contents. Images
and embedded widgets are not included.
Table 13-1. Postscript Options
The following methods are used to find certain groups of items,
for later processing. Note that for each find method,
there is a corresponding addtag method. Instead of
processing the individual items returned by a find method,
you can often get better performance by adding a temporary tag to a
group of items, process all items with that tag in one go, and then
remove the tag.
- find_above(item) => item
Returns the item just above the given item.
- find_all() => tuple
Return a tuple containing the identity of all items on the
canvas, with the topmost item last (that is, if you haven't change
the order using lift or lower, the items are
returned in the order you created them). This is shortcut for
- find_below(item) => item
Returns the item just below the given item.
- find_closest(x, y) => item
Returns the item closest to the given position. Note that the
position is given in canvas coordinates, and that this method
always succeeds if there's at least one item in the canvas. To find
items within a certain distance from a position, use
find_overlapping with a small rectangle centered on the
- find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2) => tuple
Returns a tuple of all items completely enclosed by the
rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2).
- find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2) => tuple
Returns a tuple of all items that overlap the given rectangle,
or that are completely enclosed by it.
- find_withtag(item) => tuple
Returns a tuple of all items having the given specifier.
The following methods are used to manipulate the tags, rather
than the items themselves.
- addtag_above(newtag, item)
Add newtag to the item just above the given item.
- addtag_all(newtag)
Add newtag to all items on the canvas. This is shortcut
for addtag_withtag(newtag, ALL).
- addtag_below(newtag, item)
Add newtag to the item just below the given item.
- addtag_closest(newtag, x, y)
Add newtag to the item closest to the given coordinate.
See find_closest for more information.
- addtag_enclosed(newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2)
Add newtag to all items enclosed by the given rectangle.
See find_enclosed for more information.
- addtag_overlapping(newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2)
Add newtag to all items overlapping the given rectangle.
See find_overlapping for more information.
- addtag_withtag(newtag, tag)
Add newtag to all items having the given tag.
- dtag(item, tag)
Remove the given tag from all matching items. If the tag is
omitted, all tags are removed from the matching items. It is not an
error to give a specifier that doesn't match any items.
- gettags(item) => tuple
Return all tags associated with the item.
The following methods can be used with text items, as well as
with any extension item type that supports a keyboard focus and an
insertion cursor.
- dchars(item, index), dchars(item, first,
For all matching items, delete the given character (or the
characters in the given range).
- focus(item), focus() => item
Set (get) the keyboard focus. If item is an empty string, remove
the focus from the current item.
- icursor(item, index)
Move the insertion cursor.
- index(item, index) => integer
Return the numerical index corresponding to the given index.
- insert()
- select_adjust(item, index)
- select_clear()
- select_from(item, index)
- select_item()
- select_to(item, index)
The following methods are used to scroll the canvas in various
ways. The scan methods can be used to implement fast mouse
pan/roam operations, while the xview and yview
methods are used with standard scrollbars.
- scan_mark(x, y)
Set the scanning anchor for fast horizontal scrolling to the
given mouse coordinate.
- scan_dragto(x, y)
Scrolls the widget contents according to the given mouse
coordinate. The contents are moved 10 times the distance between
the scanning anchor and the new position.
- xview(MOVETO, offset), yview(MOVETO,
Adjust the canvas so that the given offset is at the left (top)
edge of the canvas. Offset 0.0 is the beginning of the
scrollregion, 1.0 the end. These methods are used by the
Scrollbar bindings.
The MOVETO constant is not defined in Python 1.5.2 and
earlier. For compatibility, use the string "moveto" instead.
- xview(SCROLL, step, what), yview(SCROLL, step,
Scroll the canvas horizontally (vertically) by the given amount.
The what argument can be either UNITS (lines) or PAGES. These
methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings.
These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For
compatibility, use the strings "scroll", "units", and "pages"
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