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- get() => lo, hi
Returns the relative offset for the upper (leftmost) and lower
(rightmost) end of the scrollbar slider. Offset 0.0 means that the
slider is in its topmost (or leftmost) position, and offset 1.0
means that it is in its bottommost (or rightmost) position.
- set(lo, hi)
Moves the slider to a new position.
- delta(deltax, deltay) => float
Returns a floating point number that should be added to the
current slider offsets in order to move the slider the given number
of pixels. This is typically used by the mouse bindings to figure
out how to move the slider when the user is dragging it around.
- fraction(x, y)
Returns a floating point value which gives the offset
corresponding to the given mouse position.
- identify(x, y) => string
Returns a string describing what's under the mouse pointer. This
is typically one of "arrow1" (top/left arrow),
"trough1", "slider", "trough2" or
"arrow2" (bottom/right).
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