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24.4. Event modifiers

The modifier names that you can use in event sequences include:

AltTrue when the user is holding the alt key down.
AnyThis modifier generalizes an event type. For example, the event pattern "<Any-KeyPress>" applies to the pressing of any key.
ControlTrue when the user is holding the control key down.
DoubleSpecifies two events happening close together in time. For example, <Double-Button-1> describes two presses of button 1 in rapid succession.
LockTrue when the user has pressed shift lock.
ShiftTrue when the user is holding down the shift key.
TripleLike Double, but specifies three events in rapid succession.

You can use shorter forms of the events. Here are some examples:

Note that you can leave out the enclosing "<…>" for most single-character keypresses, but you can't do that for the space character (whose name is "<space>") or the less-than (<) character (whose name is "<less>").