Red Hat Content Accelerator as an FTP Server

Starting with version 2.0.21 of Red Hat Content Accelerator and version 2.4.2-U7 of the Red Hat Content Accelerator patched kernel, Red Hat Content Accelerator can be configured to run as an anonymous FTP server.

To use Red Hat Content Accelerator as an HTTP and FTP server at the same time, use the following commands:

echo "" > /proc/net/tux/0/listen/0
echo "" > /proc/net/tux/0/listen/1

By default, the document root for the FTP server is the document root for the HTTP server set as DOCROOT in /etc/sysconfig/tux or the value of /proc/sys/net/tux/documentroot.

To configure different document roots for the HTTP and FTP server, set the DOCROOT in /etc/sysconfig/tux and execute the following commands:


The http_subdocroot and ftp_subdocroot are relative to DOCROOT.

echo '/www/' > /proc/sys/net/tux/http_subdocroot
echo '/ftproot/' > /proc/sys/net/tux/ftp_subdocroot

Restart Red Hat Content Accelerator to apply the changes:

service tux restart

After executing these commands, the Red Hat Content Accelerator FTP server will be running on port 21.

To have it display directory listings, run the generatetuxlist script from the FTP docroot. This script creates the files .TUX-LIST and .TUX-NLIST files that cache the directory listing. Everytime the FTP docroot directory changes, the script must be re-run to generate an updated directory listing.


The Red Hat Content Accelerator FTP server has been through numerous stresstests and FTP-client compatibility tests. However, it is still early software. It has no known bugs or security holes at the moment. It has not been tested with a wide number of FTP clients yet (only the most obvious ones).

Security Features

The following are security features of the Red Hat Content Accelerator FTP Server: