Where can I find the files I want to back up?

Deciding what files to backup and finding where they all are is the most difficult step when attempting to perform a backup. Below is a list of where most of your important files should be, so you can find them more easily.

Your personal files and settings

These are usually stored in your Home folder (/home/your_name). They could be in subfolders such as Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos and/or .evolution (for email). If your backup medium has sufficient space, consider backing up the entire /home folder. This is the simplest way.

If you are not able to backup all of /home, see below for a list of some subfolders of the /home folder to check for important files.

  • ~/ represents your home folder /home/your_name

  • Any file or folder name that starts with a period is hidden by default. To view hidden files, click View ▸ Show Hidden Files or press Ctrl+H.

Your personal files

~/, ~/Desktop, ~/Documents, ~/Pictures, ~/Music, Videos, and others

Contain files you actively created.

Your personal settings

~/.config, ~/.gconf, ~/.local

Contain settings you set for your desktop and some applications.

System settings

/etc located in the File System outside of your Home folder.

Your system settings. In general, you don't need to go outside of your Home folder.