What's new in Ubuntu 12.10?

Ubuntu 12.10 continues the evolution of the Unity interface. Here are highlights of what you can do with the latest version of Ubuntu:

New and improved features

  • Search Amazon or the Ubuntu One Music Store directly from the dash or launcher.

  • Use the new photos lens to view photos from your computer or from your social networks.

  • Browse messages from your social networks with the Gwibber lens.

  • Right click on items in the dash to see full-screen Previews with more information.

  • Enter your credentials in Online Accounts to easily set up online integration for the dash, Gwibber, Empathy, and more.

  • Keep track of contact information for your friends and colleagues with Contacts, your personal address book.

  • Get work done in style with LibreOffice 3.6, now with new, modern presentation templates and built-in support for Ubuntu's integrated menu bar.

  • Log in to remote servers from the login screen.