许多计算机中都有 SD (Secure Digital)、MMC (MultiMediaCard)、SmartMedia、Memory Stick、CompactFlash 读卡器和其他存储介质卡。这些卡应该都可以自动检测到并挂载好。否则请看以下故障排除步骤:
Make sure that the card is put in correctly. Many cards look as though they are upside down when correctly inserted. Also make sure that the card is firmly seated in the slot; some cards, especially CompactFlash, require a small amount of force to insert correctly. (Be careful not to push too hard! If you come up against something solid, do not force it.)
Open Files by using the Dash. Does the inserted card appear in the Devices list in the left sidebar? Sometimes the card appears in this list but is not mounted; click it once to mount. (If the sidebar is not visible, press F9 or click View ▸ Sidebar ▸ Show Sidebar.)
如果卡未出现在侧边栏中,请依次单击转到 ▸ 计算机。如果读卡器已经配置妥当,则没有卡时会将读卡器显示为驱动器,卡挂载好后则会显示卡本身(请见下图)。
如果计算机文件夹中没有卡或驱动程序,则可能是因为有驱动程序问题而不能将读卡器用于 Linux。如果读卡器是内置读卡器(在计算机内而不是外置),则这种可能性更大。最有效的解决方法是直接将设备(相机、手机等设备)连接到计算机 USB 端口上。也可使用外置 USB 读卡器,Linux 对这种读卡器的支持要好得多。