System Tasks

List devices

  1. To list mounted devices, run the following command in a terminal:


    The listing shows the device (such as a hard disk partition), the mount point (where you access the files), the filesystem type, and the mount options.

    This example shows the hda2 hard disk partition mounted as '/', with the filesystem type ext3. The partition is mounted with two options: one to allow the device to be read from and written to and the other to remount the device as read-only in the event of any errors.

    /dev/hda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
  2. To list PCI devices:

  3. To list USB devices:


Mount/unmount CD/DVD-ROMs manually


You will need super-user privileges for this task. See the section called “Root And Sudo”.

  1. Assuming that /media/cdrom0/ is the mount point of your CD/DVD-ROM device

  2. To mount a CD/DVD-ROM:

    sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhide

  3. To unmount CD/DVD-ROM:

    sudo umount /media/cdrom0/