Import photos from a digital camera

Ubuntu automatically detects most digital cameras when you plug them in, and will offer to import your photos automatically.

To import photos from your camera:

  1. Plug-in and switch on the camera by placing it in review mode. Ubuntu should ask you if you would like to import the photos that the camera contains.

  2. Click on Import. You should then see a preview of the photos.

  3. Choose a location to save your photos to, then click on Import. The photos will be saved to your hard drive.

If Ubuntu does not ask you if it can import the photos:

  1. Open ApplicationsGraphicsF-Spot Photo Manager and choose FileImport.

  2. Select your camera as the Import Source and then click Import to begin importing your photos.

If your camera does not appear as an import source, press PlacesComputer and check if your camera is visible there as a removable storage device. If it is, you can then copy the photos manually using the File Browser.