How can I create copies of my documents in PDF format?

The PDF format is commonly used to distribute documents to other people, and can be viewed on the vast majority of computers. PDF files cannot be edited, so your document is protected from alterations.

To output a copy of a document as a PDF file:

  1. Open your document and click Print (normally found under FilePrint).

  2. On the General tab, select the printer named Print to File from the list.

  3. Several options should appear beneath the list of printers. Select PDF as the Output Format and choose a filename and location for the PDF file.

  4. Press Print. A PDF file will be created in the location that you specified.

The procedure above will work in almost all programs on Ubuntu. In OpenOffice, however, the procedure is different:

  1. Open your document in OpenOffice and press FileExport as PDF.

  2. In the window that appears, click Export.

  3. Choose a filename and location to save the PDF file and click Save.