Other Useful Things

Save on typing

Up Arrow or Ctrl+p

Scrolls through the commands you've entered previously.

Down Arrow or Ctrl+n

Takes you back to a more recent command.


When you have the command you want.


A very useful feature. It autocompletes any commands or filenames, if there's only one option, or else gives you a list of options.

Change the text

The mouse won't work. Use the Left/Right arrow keys to move around the line.

When the cursor is where you want it in the line, typing inserts text, it doesn't overtype what's already there.

Ctrl+a or Home

Moves the cursor to the start of a line.

Ctrl+e or End

Moves the cursor to the end of a line.


Deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the line.


Deletes the whole of the current line.


Deletes the word before the cursor.