Restoring Transactions
Store Extensions

Purchase Receipts

Unity IAP provides purchase receipts as a JSON hash containing the following keys and values:

Key Value
Store The name of the store in use, such as GooglePlay or AppleAppStore
TransactionID This transaction’s unique identifier, provided by the store
Payload Varies by platform, details below.


Payload varies depending upon the device’s iOS version.

iOS version Payload
iOS >= 7 payload is a base 64 encoded App Receipt.
iOS < 7 payload is a SKPaymentTransaction transactionReceipt.

Mac App Store

Payload is a base 64 encoded App Receipt.

Google Play

Payload is a JSON hash with the following keys and values:

Key Value
json A JSON encoded string provided by Google; INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA
signature A signature for the json parameter, as provided by Google; INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE

Windows Store

Payload is an XML string as specified by Microsoft

Restoring Transactions
Store Extensions