

NetworkServer is a UNET High-Level-API class that manages connections from multiple clients.


Property: Function:
connections The set of active connections to remote clients. This is a sparse array where NetworkConnect objects reside at the index of their connectionId. There may be nulls in this array for recently closed connections. The connection at index zero may be the connection from the local client.
localConnections The set of active connections to local clients.
handlers The set of registered message handler function.
objects The set of spawned objects with NetworkIdentities.
active True if the server is listening and running (static).
localActiveClient True if there is a local client in the same process; this server is a “Host”.
numChannels The number of configured NetworkTransport QoS channels.
networkConnectionClass The type of NetworkConnection object to create for new connections.
hostTopology The host topology object that this server used to configure the transport layer.
maxDelay The maximum time to delay sending messages to clients when aggregating messages into internal buffers.