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Target build platform.


StandaloneOSXUniversalBuild a universal OSX standalone.
StandaloneOSXIntelBuild an OS X standalone (Intel only).
StandaloneWindowsBuild a Windows standalone.
WebPlayerBuild a web player. (This build target is deprecated. Building for web player will no longer be supported in future versions of Unity.)
WebPlayerStreamedBuild a streamed web player.
iOSBuild an iOS player.
PS3Build a PS3 Standalone.
XBOX360Build a XBox Standalone.
AndroidBuild an Android .apk standalone app.
StandaloneLinuxBuild a Linux standalone.
StandaloneWindows64Build a Windows 64-bit standalone.
WSAPlayerBuild an Windows Store Apps player.
StandaloneLinux64Build a Linux 64-bit standalone.
StandaloneLinuxUniversalBuild a Linux universal standalone.
StandaloneOSXIntel64Build an OSX Intel 64-bit standalone.
TizenBuild a Tizen player.
PSP2Build a PS Vita Standalone.
PS4Build a PS4 Standalone.
XboxOneBuild a Xbox One Standalone.
SamsungTVBuild to Samsung Smart TV platform.
Nintendo3DSBuild to Nintendo 3DS platform.
WiiUBuild a Wii U standalone.
tvOSBuild to Apple's tvOS platform.