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class in UnityEngine.Networking.Match

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Abstract base for requests, which includes common info in all requests.


accessTokenStringThe JSON encoded binary access token this client uses to authenticate its session for future commands.
appIdAppID for the current game, required in every request. This is generated from the Cloud API.
domainDomain for the request. All commands will be sandboxed to their own domain; For example no clients with domain 1 will see matches with domain 2. This can be used to prevent incompatible client versions from communicating.
projectIdThe Cloud Project Id for this game, required in every request. This is used to match games of the same type.
sourceIdSourceID for the current client, required in every request. This is generated from the Cloud API.
versionMatchmaker protocol version info.

Public Functions

IsValidAccessor to verify if the contained data is a valid request with respect to initialized variables and accepted parameters.
ToStringProvides string description of current class data.