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public static function ConnectEndPoint(hostId: int, endPoint: EndPoint, exceptionConnectionId: int, out error: byte): int;
public static int ConnectEndPoint(int hostId, EndPoint endPoint, int exceptionConnectionId, out byte error);


hostId Host (actually socket) id for this connection.
error Return kOk on success, otherwise a one-byte error code.
xboxOneEndPoint A valid System.EndPoint.
exceptionConnectionId 0 in the case of a default connection.


int ConnectionId on success (otherwise zero).


Try to establish connection to other peer, where the peer is specified using a C# System.EndPoint.

This is primarily useful on platforms (such as Xbox One) that require passing in special structures representing the remote host (as compared to the usual IP/port combination).

This is also useful for libraries relying on using an IPEndPoint object.