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public function Authenticate(callback: Action<bool>): void;
public void Authenticate(Action<bool> callback);


callback Callback that is called whenever authentication operation is finished.


Authenticate the local user to the current active Social API implementation and fetch his profile data.

This should be done before any other calls into the API. Depending on the platform this might trigger a potentially blocking dialog for providing login details.

On certain platforms the callback may not be invoked after the second and subsequent calls of the function during single run of the program, provided that the user or OS cancelled the first attempt to authenticate.

#pragma strict
public class Example extends MonoBehaviour {
	function Start() {
		Social.localUser.Authenticate(function(success) {
			if (success) {
				Debug.Log("Authentication successful");
				var userInfo: String = "Username: " + Social.localUser.userName + "\nUser ID: " + + "\nIsUnderage: " + Social.localUser.underage;
				Debug.Log("Authentication failed");
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
using System.Collections;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Social.localUser.Authenticate (success => { if (success) { Debug.Log ("Authentication successful"); string userInfo = "Username: " + Social.localUser.userName + "\nUser ID: " + + "\nIsUnderage: " + Social.localUser.underage; Debug.Log (userInfo); } else Debug.Log ("Authentication failed"); }); } }