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class in UnityEditor

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Stores settings of a TextureImporter.

See Also: TextureImporter.


allowsAlphaSplitAllow Alpha splitting on the imported texture when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency).
cubemapConvolutionConvolution mode.
cubemapConvolutionExponentDefines how fast Phong exponent wears off in mip maps. Higher value will apply less blur to high resolution mip maps.
cubemapConvolutionStepsDefines how many different Phong exponents to store in mip maps. Higher value will give better transition between glossy and rough reflections, but will need higher texture resolution.
rgbmRGBM encoding mode for HDR textures in TextureImporter.
spriteAlignmentEdge-relative alignment of the sprite graphic.
spriteBorderBorder sizes of the generated sprites.
spriteExtrudeThe number of blank pixels to leave between the edge of the graphic and the mesh.
spriteModeSprite texture import mode.
spritePivotPivot point of the Sprite relative to its graphic's rectangle.
spritePixelsPerUnitThe number of pixels in the sprite that correspond to one unit in world space.

Public Functions

ApplyTextureTypeConfigure parameters to import a texture for a purpose of type, as described here.
CopyToCopy parameters into another TextureImporterSettings object.

Static Functions

EqualTest texture importer settings for equality.