Creating custom animation Playables
A Glossary of animation terms

Graph Visualizer

The Graph Visualizer is a tool that makes a diagram of any trees you make using Playables. You can clone or download the Graph Visualizer from the Unity Bitbucket repository.


Add the Graph Visualizer files to your project, following the same folder structure as in the sample project provided with the Unity Bitbucket Graph Vizualizer download.

In the MonoBehaviour which creates the Playable graph, call GraphVisualizerClient.Show(myPlayable, myTitle) in your Update method. This renders the Playable graph in the Graph Vis window. Open the Graph Vis window by selecting Graph Visualizer from the Window menu.

Note: The Graph Visualizer shows a snapshot of the current status. You need to call Show() on every update if your graph is dynamic or if blending weights change.

Here’s an example of the output:

The Playables Graph Visualizer
The Playables Graph Visualizer
  • Playables in the graph are represented by colored nodes, varying according to their type.

  • Wire color intensity indicates the blending weight.

Customizing the Graph Visualizer

You may implement your own Drawer to represent your custom Playables, as shown in AnimationClipPlayableDrawer.cs.

Creating custom animation Playables
A Glossary of animation terms