ActiveGrid Studio 2.0 - Post Install Information Thank you for installing the 2.0 release of ActiveGrid Studio. FAQ: Release Notes: Those pages will contain latest news and product issues which may not be available at the time of the release. General documentation can be accessed locally in: INSTALL_ROOT/docs You can now start Studio by invoking the startup script located under your installation directory at activegrid/bin/activegrid-Studio, or by using the Start shortcut located in the installation directory. Logs: Note that, when using the above start script, the standard output and standard error are redirected to two log files in the current directory: activegrid_output.log and activegrid_errors.log. If using the shortcut, these files go to the current user's home directory. 3rd Party Dependencies: In addition to the software for ActiveGrid Studio, this installer has installed a variety of 3rd party software components required for the operation of ActiveGrid Studio: python 2.4.1 (runtime interpreter and core libraries) sqlite 3.2.1 (SQLite lightweight file database) as well as the following required Python extensions: wxPython (cross-platform GUI toolkit) pysqlite 2.0.4 (Python interface to SQLite) pychecker 0.8.14 (Python static syntax checking) PyXML 0.8.4 (XML processing library) ZSI (Zolera Soap Infrastructure) as well as the following optional Python extensions: pysvn 1.2.0 (Python Subversion Integration) MySQL-python 1.2.0 (Python - MySQL integration supporting MySQL 4.0 and 4.1) Note that while MySQL-Python integration is enabled, a different version of that package might be required for older/newer versions of MySQL. Regardless of what version of MySQL is used, the native client libraries must be present or installed separately. For other supported databases, please see the list below for the recommended Python libraries. For those unfamiliar with Python, the Python extensions are placed into the "site-packages" subdirectory of your Python installation. Note that all of these 3rd party components are installed under the ActiveGrid installation, and do not interfere or interact with the system binaries (e.g. /usr/bin/python). In the future, the installer will provide the option to use a preexisting system component in place of an installed component, given that the version is compliant. For now, if using the system Python is a must, two actions are required: a) Alter the start script to point to the correct Python executable b) Ensure that the required Python extensions are installed in the system Python. Be aware that the pacakges/files created by this installer are not registered in the RPM database (or other package management database if using a Linux distribution that does not support RPM). This will be added in an upcoming release, and will improve the long term management of the installation. For now, if RPM registration is a must, please use the RPM downloads instead of the installer, in which you must manually install the dependencies listed above. Supported Database Versions MySQL: 4.1.7 - 4.1.10 Oracle: 9i/10g PostgreSQL: 8.0.1 Recommended Python database connectivity libraries Oracle 9i/10g (cx_Oracle): Oracle native client libraries required PostgreSQL (PyGreSQL 3.6.2): PostgreSQL native client libraries required Test Your Installation: Invoke the start script. ActiveGrid Studio should come up. Please refer to the Tutorial in the docs subdirectory to try a few steps to make sure it is working as expected.