<s:event b:on="construct"> <s:variable b:name="php_check" /> <s:task b:action="load" b:url="php_check.php" b:destination="$php_check" /> <s:script b:test="not($php_check = 'success')"><!-- var cause = 'This can have multiple causes:\n - Your webserver does not support PHP\n - Your webserver is not configured correctly\n - PHP is not configured correctly'; var additional = '\nAdditionally, this starterkit has other prerequisites. More information can be found in the documentation for this starterkit.'; if (location.protocol == 'file:') cause = 'The reason is that you are currently loading this example from the filesystem.'; alert("We're sorry, this application can not run without a working PHP installation.\nWe have detected that currently PHP is not running.\n" + cause + additional); --></s:script> </s:event> <s:loading><div class="Loading-Outer">One moment please.</div></s:loading> <s:include b:url="config.xml" /> <s:include b:url="behaviors/bb.xml" /> <s:include b:url="main.php" /> <s:include b:url="reader.xml" /> <s:include b:url="error.xml" /> <div> <s:event b:on="construct"> <s:setstyle b:display="none" /> <s:variable b:name="update-last" b:select="'a:4:{i:1;i:0;i:2;i:0;i:3;i:0;i:4;i:0;}'" b:scope="global" /> <s:variable b:name="ready" b:select="'false'" b:scope="global" /> </s:event> <h1>Backbase AJAX RSS Reader</h1> </div> <div id="BB-Menu"></div>