Parents: QxCommonViewPane » QxCanvasLayout » QxParent » QxWidget » QxTarget » QxObject » Object
Direct Childs: QxBarViewPane, QxTabViewPane
No Parameters defined.
This class is public.
It can be used by both user and programmer.
Name | Title |
QxParent | |
Public | |
activeChild | The current active child. |
focusManager | Individual focus manager for all child elements. |
focusedChild | The current focused child. |
QxWidget | |
Public | |
align | |
allowStretchX | Should this widget be stretched on the x-axis if the layout handler will do this? |
allowStretchY | Should this widget be stretched on the y-axis if the layout handler will do this? |
anonymous | If you switch this to true, the widget doesn't handle |
appearance | Appearance of the widget |
backgroundColor | The color style property of the rendered widget. |
backgroundImage | Mapping to native style property background-image. |
border | The border property describes how to paint the border on the widget. |
bottom | The distance from the outer bottom border to the parent bottom area edge. |
capture | Capture all events and map them to this widget |
clip | |
clipDimension | |
clipHeight | |
clipLeft | Clipping of the widget |
clipLocation | |
clipTop | |
clipWidth | |
color | The backgroundColor style property of the rendered widget. |
command | A command called if the widget should be excecuted (a placeholder for buttons, ...) |
contextMenu | Contains the context menu object connected to the widget. (Need real implementation) |
cursor | Mapping to native style property cursor. |
dimension | |
display | If the widget should be displayed. Use this property instead of visibility if the change |
dropDataTypes | Contains the support drop types for drag and drop support |
edge | |
element | The element node (if the widget is created, otherwise null) |
enableElementFocus | Use DOM focussing (focus() and blur() methods of DOM nodes) |
focused | Handle focus state of this widget. |
height | The height of the box (including padding and border). |
heights | |
hideFocus | If the focus outline should be hidden. |
horizontalAlign | This is used by many layout managers to control the individual horizontal alignment of this widget inside this parent. |
left | The distance from the outer left border to the parent left area edge. |
location | |
margin | |
marginBottom | |
marginLeft | |
marginRight | |
marginTop | |
maxHeight | The maximum height of the box (including padding and border). |
maxWidth | The maximum width of the box (including padding and border). |
minHeight | The minimum height of the box (including padding and border). |
minWidth | The minimum width of the box (including padding and border). |
opacity | Mapping to native style property opacity. |
overflow | Describes how to handle content that is too large to fit inside the widget. |
padding | |
paddingBottom | |
paddingLeft | |
paddingRight | |
paddingTop | |
parent | The parent widget (the real object, no ID or something) |
right | The distance from the outer right border to the parent right area edge. |
selectable | Toggle the possibility to select the element of this widget. |
space | |
stretch | |
tabIndex | Set this to a positive value makes the widget able to get the focus. |
tagName | The tagname of the element which should automatically be created |
toolTip | Contains the tooltip object connected to the widget. |
top | The distance from the outer top border to the parent top area edge. |
verticalAlign | This is used by many layout managers to control the individual vertical alignment of this widget inside this parent. |
visibility | Simple and fast switch of the visibility of a widget. |
width | The width of the box (including padding and border). |
widths | |
zIndex | Mapping to native style property z-index. |
QxObject | |
Public | |
enabled |