QxDragEvent |
Public |
addAction | |
addData | |
clearActions | |
clearData | |
dispose | |
getAction | |
getData | |
getDropDataTypes | |
getMouseEvent | |
removeAction | |
startDrag | |
QxMouseEvent |
Public |
getClientX | |
getClientY | |
getPageX | |
getPageY | |
getScreenX | |
getScreenY | |
isLeftButtonPressed | |
isMiddleButtonPressed | |
isRightButtonPressed | |
Private |
_computeButton | |
_computeClientX | |
_computeClientY | |
_computePageX | |
_computePageY | |
_computeWheelDelta | |
QxDomEvent |
Public |
dispose | |
getAltKey | |
getCtrlKey | |
getShiftKey | |
setDefaultPrevented | |
QxEvent |
Public |
dispose | |
preventDefault | |
stopPropagation | |
QxObject |
Public |
debug | Print out a debug message to the qooxdoo debug console. |
dispose | Dispose this object |
error | Print out an error to the qooxdoo debug console. |
get | |
getDisposed | Returns true if the object is disposed. |
getUserData | |
info | Print out an info message info to the qooxdoo debug console. |
isDisposed | Returns true if the object is disposed. |
set | Sets multiple properties at once by using a property list |
setUserData | |
toHashCode | Return unique hash code of object |
toString | Returns a string represantation of the qooxdoo object. |
warn | Print out an warning to the qooxdoo debug console. |