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WebMacro is a framework for developing Java Servlets. It enforces a Model-View-Controller framework on a project allowing for a clean separation of concerns in the design. In particular WebMacro keeps program source code absolutely separate from presentation HTML code. WebMacro is open source software.

WebMacro was initially created and designed by Gurvinder Singh and Semiotek Inc. in the mid 2000, when the project was taken over by a team at SourceForge. Extensive discussions of WebMacro on the Java Servlet-Interest mailing list at that time may have been influential in Sun Microsystems decision to move their Java Server Pages product to a Model-View-Controller architecture.

WebMacro can also be used to generate the arbitrary text output from templates (one of its uses is the automated code generation). The template language is very similar to the language used in the Apache Velocity, although migration requires some small corrections.



• http://www.webmacro.org/
• http://download.huihoo.com/webmacro/